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Date Posted:12/07/2018 5:52 PMCopy HTML A Higher Calling ~~~~~ By: Jo Smith ~~~~~~ December 7. 2018 Philippians 3:14 1 Corinthians 9:24 The above is the only two times in all of God’s word that the word ‘prize’ is mentioned. Seems that Paul is the only one who had this great revelation of a high calling which is a great PRIZE. God has just revealed to me what that higher calling is. He has shown me what that PRIZE IS. You cannot say it is eternal life or the glorified body, for this is not for just one or a special few. But see that Paul said only one would receive this PRIZE. Many are running in this race, but only one will get to that goal or the Mark of that Prize. So what is this prize? What is this higher calling? (Does not mean just 1 person; but it means the ONE who diligently seeks for this prize). Let’s go back to Moses for a starting place to find this answer. (This DIVIDING is part of that high prize; divide the night from the day). Work of Apostles and we who reach this higher calling. This puzzled me when I first heard it. ‘why cry to me? SPEAK to the children of Israel. God told Moses, why are you crying to me? You can speak and you can divide that sea. Marvelous. So Moses had advanced beyond having to cry unto the Lord for everything. He had been told by God to just SPEAK AND IT SHALL BE. Hosea 6:3 You have a goal to reach. You have 100 miles to travel. You ask directions. Someone said, go right here. That will get you there. So you take that first step and stop. But that only got you a foot down that long road. But it was a start. So now you wish to end up in heaven and you ask directions. Someone says, just BELIEVE. That will get you there. But that is just the first STEP. That is just a starting place. You must then FOLLOW on to KNOW THE LORD. You BELIEVE. But you must come to KNOW. It is not the same thing. Would you say, I believe that I have a mother? No. You KNOW that you have a Mother. It is not something you just believe. It is the same way with God. Millions believe but they never follow on to KNOW THE LORD. Matthew 16:24 Matthew 19:21 Here Jesus is speaking of that prize. The way to obtain this prize is to FOLLOW JESUS. We must follow him all the way. Not to church. Not to a party. Not to prayer. We must follow on till we can SPEAK the Word and it will be. (Now don’t get me wrong, Prayer is to be used along the way. But I am going to show you a higher calling than Prayer). If you never get beyond praying you did not reach the goal. Believing is not enough; it must bear fruit: Mark 16:17 Luke 9:23 John 10:27 John 12:26 Here is more instruction on how to reach this great goal: 1 Timothy 6:11 This shows you how to help reach that goal: Matthew 9:6 Read that verse carefully. It did not say, so that ye may know I am God, as many lying preachers say. It said, that ye may KNOW THAT THE SON OF MAN has power on earth to forgive sins. HE also showed here that he had power to heal the sick. This is part of reaching that end goal. Jesus later told his disciples, whosoever sins you remit they are remitted. Or you may retain them. See, they also had power to do this. It is part of that goal. Here we see Jesus in full possession of that prize = knowing that what he speaks will be: Now I want to show you how Jesus spoke when He had reached that lofty goal for the mark of the Higher calling in God: Martha told Jesus, I know that whatsoever you ASK he will give it thee. He, speaking from KNOWING, NOT BELIEVING, said, Thy brother shall rise again. 41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. 42 And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. 43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. Notice something very important to understanding the higher calling… Jesus was not praying here. He was not asking God…. Jesus was not trying to make folks believe that he was God; He wanted them to know that God sent him. He had reached that higher calling. He had reached that prize. He knew He could now just SPEAK AND IT WOULD BE DONE. BUT He did not want the glory for himself. He wanted it to still go to God, his Father. He had reached that place where Moses stood when God said to Moses, why cry to me; just speak to the people. So Jesus spoke to the dead and the dead arose. He had reached that higher calling. Now to show you proof of how Paul had reached this lofty goal. (and when I said only one can reach it, that does not mean the number 1. It means the one who truly presses toward that mark. You truly seek it and do all you can to reach it. I have shown here a few of the things one must do to reach this higher calling.) Acts 13:11 Notice that Paul did not get down on his knees and pray or stand and pray and ask God to strike this man blind. He just SPOKE IT. He knew he had the faith and the power to do this. He had reached that goal; He had that prize. Acts 8: 18 And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Here Peter exhibits the same high calling: He had the power and knowledge to judge this man and set him apart as defying God. He told this man you have no part with us in this matter. Peter did not have to pray and ask God to show him what to do about this. He already knew. There are many other instances in the Word of God that prove the actions of one who has reached this higher calling. Psalm 149: Yes, the ultimate goal is to be in this group of people who are set to bring the wrath of the Lamb on this earth and to cleanse it from all the wickedness, violence and evil that is upon it. We will know who is and who is not serving God. We will have been given the power to speak destruction to them. We will be SPEAKING this on them. It is something that only those who reach this HIGHER CALLING will be able to understand or do. Rev 11: 3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. See these witnesses of Jesus will have power to SPEAK wrath upon the ungodly. They will have FIRE coming out of their MOUTHS as they SPEAK judgment on this sinful world. SO THE ABILITY TO SPEAK IS A HIGHER CALLING THAN PRAYING. Believing will only get you started. It will not cause you to reach that end goal. You must FOLLOW ON TO KNOW…. YES, KNOW THAT YOU CAN SPEAK AND IT WILL BE….YOU CAN SPEAK TO A STORM AND IT WILL OBEY YOU. JESUS DID NOT KNEEL AND PRAY AND ASK GOD TO STOP THAT STORM. HE SPOKE TO IT AND IT STOPPED. Praise our Holy God for this great message of a HIGHER CALLING. A Higher Calling ~~~~~ By: Jo Smith ~~~~~~ December 7. 2018 Philippians 3:14 1 Corinthians 9:24 The above is the only two times in all of God’s word that the word ‘prize’ is mentioned. Seems that Paul is the only one who had this great revelation of a high calling which is a great PRIZE. God has just revealed to me what that higher calling is. He has shown me what that PRIZE IS. You cannot say it is eternal life or the glorified body, for this is not for just one or a special few. But see that Paul said only one would receive this PRIZE. Many are running in this race, but only one will get to that goal or the Mark of that Prize. So what is this prize? What is this higher calling? (Does not mean just 1 person; but it means the ONE who diligently seeks for this prize). Let’s go back to Moses for a starting place to find this answer. (This DIVIDING is part of that high prize; divide the night from the day). Work of Apostles and we who reach this higher calling. This puzzled me when I first heard it. ‘why cry to me? SPEAK to the children of Israel. God told Moses, why are you crying to me? You can speak and you can divide that sea. Marvelous. So Moses had advanced beyond having to cry unto the Lord for everything. He had been told by God to just SPEAK AND IT SHALL BE. Hosea 6:3 You have a goal to reach. You have 100 miles to travel. You ask directions. Someone said, go right here. That will get you there. So you take that first step and stop. But that only got you a foot down that long road. But it was a start. So now you wish to end up in heaven and you ask directions. Someone says, just BELIEVE. That will get you there. But that is just the first STEP. That is just a starting place. You must then FOLLOW on to KNOW THE LORD. You BELIEVE. But you must come to KNOW. It is not the same thing. Would you say, I believe that I have a mother? No. You KNOW that you have a Mother. It is not something you just believe. It is the same way with God. Millions believe but they never follow on to KNOW THE LORD. Matthew 16:24 Matthew 19:21 Here Jesus is speaking of that prize. The way to obtain this prize is to FOLLOW JESUS. We must follow him all the way. Not to church. Not to a party. Not to prayer. We must follow on till we can SPEAK the Word and it will be. (Now don’t get me wrong, Prayer is to be used along the way. But I am going to show you a higher calling than Prayer). If you never get beyond praying you did not reach the goal. Believing is not enough; it must bear fruit: Mark 16:17 Luke 9:23 John 10:27 John 12:26 Here is more instruction on how to reach this great goal: 1 Timothy 6:11 This shows you how to help reach that goal: Matthew 9:6 Read that verse carefully. It did not say, so that ye may know I am God, as many lying preachers say. It said, that ye may KNOW THAT THE SON OF MAN has power on earth to forgive sins. HE also showed here that he had power to heal the sick. This is part of reaching that end goal. Jesus later told his disciples, whosoever sins you remit they are remitted. Or you may retain them. See, they also had power to do this. It is part of that goal. Here we see Jesus in full possession of that prize = knowing that what he speaks will be: Now I want to show you how Jesus spoke when He had reached that lofty goal for the mark of the Higher calling in God: Martha told Jesus, I know that whatsoever you ASK he will give it thee. He, speaking from KNOWING, NOT BELIEVING, said, Thy brother shall rise again. 41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. 42 And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. 43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. Notice something very important to understanding the higher calling… Jesus was not praying here. He was not asking God…. Jesus was not trying to make folks believe that he was God; He wanted them to know that God sent him. He had reached that higher calling. He had reached that prize. He knew He could now just SPEAK AND IT WOULD BE DONE. BUT He did not want the glory for himself. He wanted it to still go to God, his Father. He had reached that place where Moses stood when God said to Moses, why cry to me; just speak to the people. So Jesus spoke to the dead and the dead arose. He had reached that higher calling. Now to show you proof of how Paul had reached this lofty goal. (and when I said only one can reach it, that does not mean the number 1. It means the one who truly presses toward that mark. You truly seek it and do all you can to reach it. I have shown here a few of the things one must do to reach this higher calling.) Acts 13:11 Notice that Paul did not get down on his knees and pray or stand and pray and ask God to strike this man blind. He just SPOKE IT. He knew he had the faith and the power to do this. He had reached that goal; He had that prize. Acts 8: 18 And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Here Peter exhibits the same high calling: He had the power and knowledge to judge this man and set him apart as defying God. He told this man you have no part with us in this matter. Peter did not have to pray and ask God to show him what to do about this. He already knew. There are many other instances in the Word of God that prove the actions of one who has reached this higher calling. Psalm 149: Yes, the ultimate goal is to be in this group of people who are set to bring the wrath of the Lamb on this earth and to cleanse it from all the wickedness, violence and evil that is upon it. We will know who is and who is not serving God. We will have been given the power to speak destruction to them. We will be SPEAKING this on them. It is something that only those who reach this HIGHER CALLING will be able to understand or do. Rev 11: 3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. See these witnesses of Jesus will have power to SPEAK wrath upon the ungodly. They will have FIRE coming out of their MOUTHS as they SPEAK judgment on this sinful world. SO THE ABILITY TO SPEAK IS A HIGHER CALLING THAN PRAYING. Believing will only get you started. It will not cause you to reach that end goal. You must FOLLOW ON TO KNOW…. YES, KNOW THAT YOU CAN SPEAK AND IT WILL BE….YOU CAN SPEAK TO A STORM AND IT WILL OBEY YOU. JESUS DID NOT KNEEL AND PRAY AND ASK GOD TO STOP THAT STORM. HE SPOKE TO IT AND IT STOPPED. Praise our Holy God for this great message of a HIGHER CALLING. ![]() |