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Date Posted:12/20/2016 6:33 PMCopy HTML deaf and dumb spirit Satan posing as a third person, in a godhead, is the god of this world. He ruled under LAW. He is the one who has the dec 25 birthday. It began on the other side of the flood. His name is ADAM. Yes, Adam is that old serpent, claiming to be a god; a third person, with the Father and Jesus. when you keep your xmess, this is the one you are worshiping. Like it or not, all who say, merry christmas, are worshiping the devil. Rev 11Satan posing as a third person, in a godhead, is the god of this world. He ruled under LAW. He is the one who has the dec 25 birthday. It began on the other side of the flood. His name is ADAM. Yes, Adam is that old serpent, claiming to be a god; a third person, with the Father and Jesus. when you keep your xmess, this is the one you are worshiping. Like it or not, all who say, merry christmas, are worshiping the devil. Rev 11. Now more of this powerful message. that evil son, Adam, usurped the seat of God, saying, I sit in the seat of God. Eze 28. Now he has the whole world preaching a triune god, because God is not in 3 persons. But satan is claiming to be equal with God. He teaches that when He, the spirit of God, comes into a person, he does NOT BEAR WITNESS BY SPEAKING IN TONGUES THROUGH THAT PERSON. See, this spirit is DUMB. He does NOT SPEAK. He deceives folks into thinking all they must do for salvation is just to say I believe in God. the PREACHER, (satan's ministers) must tell the person, you are now saved. You now have the holy spirit. They hate the true term, HOLY GHOST. The Holy Ghost is not a person. It is the spirit of Christ. the Holy Ghost ALWAYS BEARS witness, by speaking in tongues, when He enters a person. But this 3-person god, spirit, is DUMB. He does not speak. He does not heal the sick. He does not deliver its recipients from their sins. They always still claim to be a sinner. why? they received this false spirit. this is why they say, holy spirit, instead of Holy Ghost. it identifies their 'spirit' as the spirit of satan, who claims to be a god. He teaches them they can sin all they want to and still be saved. He teaches them to ignore the truth, when it is spoken and just hold to their traditions. he teaches them xmess is of God, knowing full well that it is his own 'birthday' of becoming as a god, back in Eden. Truth is too powerful for almost everyone. they hold to this IMPOSTOR, the church's version of holy spirit. even right now, he is telling all of you to not read this. He hates any truth. If you resist this, know that you are listening to the fake, pretend 3rd person of a fake godhead. God does not exist in 3 person. Not one single word of Scripture says this. that fake 3rd person is the one who has the santa clause lies, the decorated greens trees, and gift giving. He laughs as 'christians' pronounce those wicked words, merry christmas, knowing that the true God revealed in Rev 11, that his world-wide gift merry making is CELEBRATING THE DEATH OF GOD'S TRUE WITNESSES, THOSE WHO HEALED THS SICK AND SPOKE IN TONGUES WHEN THE TRUE HOLY GHOST ENTERED INTO THEM according to Acts, and there is no other way of salvation. shew, I got up and was walking out of this room and God spoke more of this powerful message to me. He is just now giving me this message. it is soul-stirring. He said, the spirit, which church folks receive, is a deaf and dumb spirit. This is why they (you) cannot 'hear' these true words. You can only 'hear' lies of satan. He, satan, says to you, there is nothing wrong with xmess. after all, it is jesus' birthday. Truth says, God cursed that day out of existence. the false spirit has you deaf and dumb, to the TRUTH OF THE TRUE GOD. Many of you even think you have the holy ghost, and speak in tongues, yet you think nothing about worshiping satan, through the DUST. Dust is the serpent's meat, or portion. what is this DUST? the earthly things, such as decorated trees, big parties, anything worldly. shew, I got up and was walking out of this room and God spoke more of this powerful message to me. He is just now giving me this message. it is soul-stirring. He said, the spirit, which church folks receive, is a deaf and dumb spirit. This is why they (you) cannot 'hear' these true words. You can only 'hear' lies of satan. He, satan, says to you, there is nothing wrong with xmess. after all, it is jesus' birthday. Truth says, God cursed that day out of existence. the false spirit has you deaf and dumb, to the TRUTH OF THE TRUE GOD. Many of you even think you have the holy ghost, and speak in tongues, yet you think nothing about worshiping satan, through the DUST. Dust is the serpent's meat, or portion. what is this DUST? the earthly things, such as decorated trees, big parties, anything worldly. This deaf and dumb spirit is shown through-the NT. the only way most church folks can find salvation, now, would be to have that deaf and dumb spirit cast out of you. Yet you must be willing. and you are not. You love your fun too much., You love your holidays too much. You 'christians' who come in here, with your 'merry christmas' are part of this DUST TO SERPENT. it is his worship. I am telling you all the truth of God. If you turn a DEAF EAR to this, know that you have that fake spirit, for it is deaf and dumb. that is why you refuse to speak in tongues. Your 'spirit' that you received, at the lies of your preacher, does not SPEAK. He is DUMB. If, I said, IF, you had the spirit of truth, you would HEAR this true message, and rejoice at it and let it into your heart and OBEY IT. But who has that spirit of truth? did the Spirit of TRUTH, invent santa clause, his lying deers, his sled full of toys? Huh? did jesus tell you that? which spirit gives you that LIE? satan is the father of lies, so he fathered this holiday. How did this many lies get into the true Jesus' anything? NO WAY. IT IS THE EVIL spirit of old serpent, ADAM, posing as a third person in a godhead. He is the spirit in all those churches out there. He is the one sitting in the temple showing you that he is god. that is why you cannot get convicted of teaching your children all these lies. that is why you cannot heal the sick. give out prophecies. why that old lying spirit, which you call holy spirit, says those things are dead today. why are they dead to church folks today? because they received this DUMB SPIRIT. When I began this, I had no intentions of writing this much. But God just keeps giving it to me. Praise his holy name. I am so thankful that God cast that dumb spirit out of me, May 31, 1964, and filled then, with the true HOLY GHOST, who speaks in tongues, cleans you up, fills you with love and faith. people who have this dumb spirit, keep holidays, and have no idea how to have FAITH or what FAITH is. How can they have faith? this wicked fake spirit has no ability to have or give you faith. If your spirit does not take these wicked holidays out of your life, speak in tongues, heal the sick and deliver you from ALL YOUR SINS, be sure, it is the spirit of satan, posing as a third person in a godhead, having a dec 25 birthday party. and you are part of this wicked party, naked and dancing around the golden calf, which is ADAM. God gave me this message, just now as I type it here on facebook. I have put this no where else, before, for God just now gave me all of this. If you resist this, you do not know the spirit of truth. I have seen church folks become angry at the very mention of my God speaking to me. They sneer at such. Why? Now I know,. They have received this deaf and dumb spirit in their church. This wicked spirit, posing as a third person of a godhead, speaks to his 'ministers'. They have all come to an agreement, with this spirit, to send children out to play, instead of staying in church, to learn something about God. After all, a true child of God could be among them and will take this stuff seriously. I have heard radio preachers confess that they never read the Scripture, itself, but instead read books and things others said about it. I now know why this is. They hate the truth and have that spirit of old adam/satan, which is this dumb spirit. They do not wish to learn God's truth. They wish to learn how to dodge around the truth and make the lies sound so real. Hence, a full church system of folks, from all denominations, proclaiming that the Holy Ghost does NOT speak in tongues when He comes is. Proclaiming merry christmas, contrary to all scripture truth. proclaiming, we are all still sinners; showing that Jesus is unable to cleanse us from ALL SIN. this wicked spirit HATES any moving of the true Spirit of God. Let someone in their midst raise hands and begin praising God and shouting the glory, and out the door they will send him. It is that wicked dumb spirit of satan, pretending to be god. Can you imagine, one 'person' of God had to anoint another 'person' of God with yet another 'person' of God. (this third person came down from that first person, and set on top of that second person.....so says that dumb spirit. Acts 10:38...How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power... so Jesus need power from another person of a godhead? so says this wicked, fake spirit, the dumb spirit in all your churches. Hence, still-born, dead children. wow, what a message. God just showed me more on this. still birth.....babe does not CRY OUT. no breath. cannot hear or speak. this is that deaf and dumb spirit of satan, who is Adam. that is why we are first-man Adam, before being born of the true Spirit of God. this true Spirit, THE HOLY GHOST, both cries out and speaks when he gives this 'birth. that is why we speak in tongues. This spirit is not dumb. So when one cannot do these things and cannot hear the truth, they have this wicked deaf and dumb spirit of adam. This is the spirit that Jesus cast out of people, THIS DEAF AND DUMB SPIRIT OF OLD ADAM. By: Jo Smith ….December 21, 2012 ![]() |