The True Light Now Shineth
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Date Posted:07/18/2021 8:05 PMCopy HTML

I am starting a study on the Book of Ecclesiastes. I will be posting these messages as I write them. Eventually I plan to join them all together into one long message for my own use. I also will repost this one into the women's thread to keep with that subject. So this one will appear twice on the board. Hope you all enjoy this series. It is most exciting and trilling to me. I have never understood this book in this light before. God just started revealing this Book to me as it is in truth a continuing part of the Word of God.

Here it is:

Study on Ecclesiastes

Today is Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004. Yesterday I started reading a bit in Ecclesiastes. I have never seen this Book in light of the Revelation of the word before. God started revealing this book to me by the Word of God, which is the only true means of revelation.

As I now am seeing this Book in the light of the word, it is very exciting and wonderful. For now I am just writing down some things so I will not forget what God has shown me.

chapter 8--

Ec 8:1- Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.

Who is the wise man? It is Jesus. So we must become as this wise man. Those who come to know the interpretation of a thing shall be like this wise man.

Ec 8:8 There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.

The battle for life is this war. Death is a war. In this war no one can keep himself alive.

Ec 8:9 All this have I seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt.

‘Under the sun’ signifies being done on earth, apart from the will of God. Now who is this man who ruleth over another to his own hurt? It is Adam ruling over Eve. Men ruling over women to their own hurt. Why does this hurt them? Because they know not what ‘helpmeet’ means.

Strong’s Concordance Hebrew # 5826, shows this word help here means to surround, which is to protect or aid, or succour.

Meet, here, has the very same reference in Strongs and means the very same thing. Therefore, it was doubled by God to Adam. To double anything means it is immediate. It is the two needed witnesses to establish a thing as truth with God. So when God made Eve to be a HELPMEET for Adam, it was doubled = twice she is his protection; she was to surround him, for this was his protection and aid. Without this protection and her aiding him, he was in nothing but trouble and destruction. Thus, when he was set to rule over her, he lost his protection and it was perverted. I brought all of this out in my message, The Helpmeet.

Man no longer wants his wife to surround him. He prefers the company of other men to his own hurt. He continues to make the mistake of ‘ruling’ over the woman to his own hurt. Things in this world will never be made right so long as men insist on rejecting the jubilee Jesus brought us all and set the wife free from this bondage of punishment for sin and wants to continue ruling over her to his own hurt.

Adam lost his protection and glory when he was set to rule over the one who was meant to be his aid and his protection. She was actually set over him, so now it is perverted. This is why the woman is to have POWER ON HER HEAD, because of the angels. Her long hair show this power was to be on her head, not his. I know everyone is mixed up on all of this, but it is because Adam is still ruling to his own hurt. Jesus made it back right when he set down the high [men] and raised back up the low [ the woman]. But men wanted to keep the rulership and they rejected Jesus’ way and set back up the old, perverted way. So now they still do not have any protection against the evil angels. The woman is the protection. Adam rules over Eve to his own hurt.

Pastors rule over the church to their own hurt. In true Christianity, we are all equals. To reject this jubilee is to stay in the bondage of the OT. There is no salvation under this system.

The word ‘succour’ in the Strongs goes to this same reference number. So it has the same meaning as helpmeet. But in the Greek, there is another meaning added to this one: it is in # 4291. It means to stand before [in rank] or preside to be over, rule. Now this comes from the Strongs concordance, not me. This shows that Eve was set to rule over Adam in the beginning. So see, when it was turned up-side-down, and he was set to rule over her, this perverted God’s way on earth and messed up everything from that day until now. It will never be made right until this is set back in its proper perspective. All wars, murders, troubles, and every other trial and problem on this earth is because of this error. When man lost his protection God gave him, his helpmeet, he has had nothing but trouble ever since. That is all he will ever have so long as he insists on ruling over the one who was set to rule over and protect him.

Ec 8:10 And so I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the holy, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done: this is also vanity.

--See this wicked one was Adam, or mankind. From the first wicked Adam until this very day, every one who left the holy place of Eden [the city of God], has been buried. It is vanity, for it was unnecessary and not meant to be. But when Adam deceived Eve so he could gain the rulership, everything since then was the wicked having left the place of the holy and now they are buried in death.

Ec 8:11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

--What sentence against an evil work is it speaking of here? The evil work was Adam ruling over Eve to his own hurt. So Jesus came and gave sentence against this evil work and set everyone on equal grounds. He set the woman up on high and he brought down the high ones and set them low. This would have done away with this evil work, and delivered mankind in the war of death.

Jesus sent women to tell men the glorious message of deliverance, of the resurrection of Jesus from the death and burial. But what did men do? They rejected this jubilee and did not execute this sentence speedily. They slowly took the world back into law and darkness and death and set men back up to rule over the helpmeet again. So now the heart of men are fully set in them to do evil. Once again they perverted God’s way upon earth to their own hurt. Once again they brought death and darkness upon the sons of men.

Now you can reject this revelation and say this is not the true interpretation if you wish, but I am telling you God gave this to me. I have read Ecclesiastes many, many times and did not see any of this. In fact, up until yesterday, I did not place much value on this book. Now I have fallen in love with it, and can’t lay it down. You will just have to argue with God if you do not like this or believe it. But I am declaring to all, the Word of God is the one and ONLY source of revelation of any of the Word of God. Man cannot make up or figure out the true meaning of the word of God. It takes other Scriptures to reveal any Scripture. This is the Scriptural interpretation of this Book. All that I will place into this message has been given to me by interpretation from other Scriptures. But God revealed it to me.

By: Jo Smith

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