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Date Posted:03/14/2022 11:18 PMCopy HTML

~~~~~~~~~Jerusalem, the Mystery Babylon ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Isaiah one with some other Scriptures positively proves that the Law nation of old Israel is the same ‘woman’ as the mystery Babylon, which God said to come out of.

I will only comment on a few of these verses, but you should study this whole chapter to see how much is said here against old Israel.

v3--proves he is speaking of his people.

v4--they were laden with sins and iniquities, a seed of evildoers, they were the ones who went away BACKWARD.

v5--their whole ‘head’ was sick; and the whole heart ‘faint’. Now, what was their head? the law. Moses (not the man; that covenant)-- their heart was ‘faint’. what is this? Remember Isaiah said in another place, they that wait on the Lord will renew their strength (resurrection)-- and not be ‘faint’-- this means ‘spiritless or cowardly’. This whole nation was in this condition.

v6--shows it was in the whole nation from the ‘foot’ to the ‘head’ meaning from the smallest to their greatest leader.

v7---Your country is DESOLATE--- this is the one Jesus told, Your house is left unto you DESOLATE. So, we know this is Jerusalem or the law; they are synonymous. Your land, strangers devour it in your presence --- the strangers are the Christians--- this means they became the people of God in the very presence of those old Jews. ... it is DESOLATE, as overthrown by strangers--- this is powerful--- this is saying that the Christians are the ones who overthrew that law group and made them desolate.

The LAW if that abomination which maketh DESOLATE. This caused their desolation. When they brought that old LAW into the church, it made them DESOLATE, also

v10--Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of SODOM; ~~~~~~~~~ he is still speaking to Jerusalem~~~

now look at Rev. 11:8--And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the GREAT CITY, which spiritually is called SODOM AND EGYPT, where also our Lord was crucified.

Now, remember here, that this city where Jesus was crucified is called ‘THE GREAT CITY’. This will be important later. Now also notice that it is called a spiritual SODOM AND EGYPT.

So, don’t you see that when I refer to them as ‘Egypt’, this is true to the Word of God? When it said that they turned back in their heart to Egypt; this is the same thing the false church does today--- they turn in their heart back to Egypt which is the law or old Jerusalem.

v13--This is a powerful indictment against them: ...the new moons and SABBATHS, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

Here God declares that he hates their SABBATHS and their solemn meetings.

v14--Your new moons and your APPOINTED FEASTS my soul HATETH: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

Yet just look at how many (Christians?) boast of ‘keeping those old appointed Jewish feasts”? And God said he hated them way back then; how much more now?

v21--How is the faithful city become an HARLOT!~~~~~~~~~ now how much clearer would it need be for you to see that this Jerusalem which most people dote so much on, is actually the HARLOT City of mystery Babylon? I mean, how many HARLOT cities does the Word speak about? Just one.

This very clearly identifies Jerusalem (that law bunch) as that HARLOT, Babylon.

Now, go to Rev. 18:v5--Her sins and iniquities have reached heaven--- remember how Isaiah said she was full of sins and iniquities?

v6--Reward her even as she rewarded you, and DOUBLE unto her double according to HER WORKS: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

Now, why does this say to double this to her according to her works? Because, as I stated in my message on the two women, this harlot city from the OT--- merged into the Church in disguise, after they saw that God had cut that nation of. They became the HARLOT CHURCH.

So, they have played the double role of the HARLOT--- they became a harlot against God as a nation; they also became a harlot against God as a church. DOUBLE. DOUBLE WORKS.

Glory to God!! I Never saw this before. Thank you, Jesus.

Now, for more positive identification: compare v 7 with Isa. 47-- where she said~~I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

See, very same words. She thinks because she was the people of God in the OT; and she says she is the TRUE CHURCH TODAY -- therefore, she thinks she is the only one; and will never be forsaken of God; for remember, she always did think and say that God did not see her.

v10--They say of her--- Alas, alas that GREAT CITY BABYLON, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

Now, see that they call her that great city? That is the one Isaiah identified as Jerusalem!!

v11-15--- identifies her as the ‘merchant city’.

Remember that Jesus went into their temple and cast them out because of their MERCHANDIZING? That is when he told them, Your house is left DESOLATE.

v16-- again calls her THAT GREAT CITY. ~~~~~~~~~~Remember, that at the beginning of this message, I told you to remember this? This is why I said that. Scripture interprets Scripture; so this identifies Jerusalem as THAT GREAT CITY. It is BABYLON.

v20-- Rejoice over her, ye holy apostles and PROPHETS; for God hath avenged you on HER.

Now, I am going to positively PROVE to even the hardest-hearted person out there, that this is the city Jerusalem.

Why would God avenge the PROPHETS on this great city?

For the answer, go back to Matt. 23:v28 (Jesus’ own words)---Even so, ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and INIQUITY.

v29--Woe unto you, SCRIBES AND PHARISEES, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the PROPHETS, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,

v30--and say, If we had been in the days of OUR FATHERS, we would not have been partakers with THEM IN THE BLOOD OF THE PROPHETS.

v31--Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves that ye are the CHILDREN of them which KILLED THE PROPHETS.

v32--Fill ye up then the measure of your FATHERS.

v33--Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

v34--Wherefore, behold, I send unto YOU prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall KILL AND CRUCIFY; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

v35--That upon you may come ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD shed upon the earth, from the blood of RIGHTEOUS ABEL unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

v36--Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon THIS GENERATION.


V38--BEHOLD, YOUR HOUSE is left unto you DESOLATE.

Now, back to Rev.18:20--God hath avenged the holy apostles and PROPHETS upon this great city, mystery Babylon--- so who is it? It is most certainly JERUSALEM.

Why would he avenge them on anyone except the one who killed them? Would a just God do that? Avenge someone on the wrong person? I say NO!!!!!

If you say anyone other than Jerusalem killed them, you have to call Jesus a lie.

Now, did you notice that Jesus told them, behold I send unto you apostles and prophets? This was the NT ministers which Jesus sent out. They had already killed all the OT prophets; so now Jesus sends them NT apostles and prophets. He said they would kill and crucify all of them, too.

So this falls unto the whore church which killed millions of Christians. See, that the blood of all the righteous was shed in the mystery Babylon? Since Jesus identified Jerusalem or old Israel as the killers of the OT prophets; and he said they would kill all the NT ministers; this combines Jerusalem with the whore church which is guilty of killing millions and millions of righteous saints.

So this makes it undeniable that they are one and the same; they merged. It is the same old false Jerusalem hiding in disguise as a church. There is absolutely no doubt about this. It is solidly proven in the Word of God.

They think they are the only one; so they kill all the righteous. Cain was in this false Jerusalem; for he started all this killing of the righteous. Abel is mentioned in Matt. 23:35--- so this proves it. Jesus said in this verse that ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD EVER SHED WOULD BE REQUIRED OF JERUSALEM.

So, all the millions of martyrs ever killed had to have been killed by this great city, Jerusalem, the mystery Babylon.

Back to Rev. 18:19---.....for in one hour is she made DESOLATE.

Again identifying this one as the DESOLATE one--- Jesus called it Jerusalem.

v21--.....with violence shall that GREAT CITY BABYLON be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

v22--- (more identification that this great city is old Jerusalem)-~~~~~ the voice of harpers, and musicians, (they were noted for David’s musicians and singers); and trumpeters, ( exclusively noted to Israel in the Word); no craftsman ( they were noted for their great craftsmen)---shall be found no more at all in thee.

v23--the light of a candle shall shine no more in thee ( they were the one Jesus said had the lighted candles)--the voice of the bridegroom and bride shall be heard no more in thee ( John identified them as having the bridegroom (Jesus) there)~~~~~~~~ for thy MERCHANTS were the great men of the earth; ( see that they were the merchandizing city?) That is why the Catholic and other churches deal so much in this ‘merchandizing--- they are this great city - the ancient Israel in disguise. If not, then something is BAD wrong with all these Scriptures!!

For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. So this proves it was this great city or nation of Israel or old Jerusalem or the old law which deceived the whole world. This makes them synonymous with Satan; for he is said to have deceived the whole world.

So this identifies Jerusalem as first man Adam; as Satan, as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for by them came the law by which is the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20).

v24---And in her was found the blood of PROPHETS, AND OF SAINTS, and of ALL that were slain upon the earth.

Now, that is positive proof; for Jesus said they shed all this blood. Jesus said in Matt. 23 that Jerusalem and her people killed all the righteous. He said they shed all the blood of the righteous which was ever shed.

So, this makes Jerusalem and Babylon to be the very same one!!!

And since we know for a fact that the false church has shed the blood of millions of Christians who would not bow to their evil ways, we know that this has to be old Jerusalem in disguise. This is that old Law that killed all these people.

Come out of her my people.

From: isaiah

Sent: 4/6/2002 12:24 PM


         I have just viewed this great message and as I was reading this I began to wonder why people cannot see the truth of this great message. Then I began to see more of why they could not comprehend what you were saying in this message. In your message, you said time and time again that the church was the Mystery Babylon, and the word Babylon kept popping in my mind. I said wait a minute then I began to see why they can not see what is going on here in this message.

Do you know the reason they cannot see this? Let me show you why.

In GEN.-11:6-8


And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.


Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.


So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

We see that by linking Babylon the whore church to the tower of Babel we see Joie why they cannot understand what you are saying in this great message from God. Because you are speaking a different language than they are. 

You are speaking in tongues to them. We know what Paul said that if anyone comes in that is unlearned they could not understand what was going on.

You are speaking in a new tongue[NT.] while they are still speaking in that old language[ the law]and they are trying to build a city that God has done away with. He has confounded that old language and cast it as far as the east to the west never being brought up again. PRAISE THE LORD. AMEN AND AMEN 

I am really enjoying going back and finding and moving these messages onto the appropriate board.  I am being fed as I read the older messages in our group.

I am truly amazed as I realize that I had done a message on Jerusalem being the mystery Babylon so long ago.


Now as I receive more revelation on this subject, and I recently wrote one called----  Jerusalem/Babylon,, (I had forgotten this message);  after I posted this message on some different boards, all 'hell' broke loose against Me.  I was banned from almost every board I posted this truth on.  How they hate any truth revealing this whorish Jerusalem.  Yet God's Word has always shown that this is the whore, old Israel....yes,,  idol-worshipping Israel; Jerusalem.


Since then, God revealed by the Word, that the old Law City of the OT, the nation of Israel under that law, the old tabernacle in the wilderness, and their Ark of the covenant, was indeed the City arrayed in Purple, Scarlet, Gold, and fine jewels.  How fully this is proven to be the Harlot City of Rev. 17 & 18!  Yet people hate anyone who reveals this truth.


I have so many messages on this subject, and I hope to find them all and place them on this board.  I hope to get them all in print and keep them as a full study on this subject.


That was really great what you said, Larry, about our speaking in 'tongues' to the people.  How true this is.  They cannot 'hear' the grace message for the law still blinds them.  To those who 'HAVE' shall more be given.......and to those who have NOT, shall have even that he has taken away from him.


So, since they have no faith in Grace, the law and everything of their whore religion will be taken away from them, and more is being given to me all the time.


Praise my God for His unspeakable glory and truth.


Jo.....June 15, 2005

From: isaiah

Sent: 4/6/2002 4:22 PM

I would like to show you some comparisons here about a fleshly whore and the one that is said to be the church.

The first thing a whore on the street begins to do is she begins to take part of her clothes off. She does this to advertise her merchandise. Ok look at the church pick up any paper and look and see all the advertisements. They have bake sales bar-b-ques, car wash, gospel singings, Easter egg hunts, Christmas plays.

The whore on the street does this to get your interest so she can sell her merchandise. So you see the church doing the same thing they want to get your interested.Once the harlot on the street gets you interest then she knows that she can sell her merchandise. Same thing of the harlot church.

Once the harlot on the street has got you interested she pulls off all her clothes and begins to sell herself and her merchandise and before you know it she will cause you to commit adultery with her. The same thing with the whore church she also has pulled of all her clothing and allowing you to commit spiritual adultery.

Let me show you in scripture how the whore and the whore church are dressed and how both have become rich.

Rev. 3:17- Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

Rev.- 17:4-5- 017:004 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

017:005 --And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

Look at the church word today see how they are dressed compare this with how they should be dressed. They do not have any descent’s about them and they are not ashamed at all as the tramp on the street. She will do anything to get your money and sell her merchandise.

Let me show you how the true church of the living God is dressed.

Rev.-8:9- 007:009 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

Rev.-8:13-007:013 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?

These white robes represent the righteousness of God so let’s be clothed with this instead of being caught naked and having no shame as the whore on the street and the whore church.

The only way either can be saved is-

Rev.-2:16- Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth


From: joie

Sent: 4/7/2002 9:35 AM

Isaiah,  These are wonderful, true additions to this message.  I am amazed that no one else even seems interested in this subject.  It amazies me that so very few people are interested in getting 'out into the deep' things of God.


But, the real reason is because this harlot church, the old Jerusalem in disguise, has blinded them so long, they cannot hear the 'wake up call'. 


But Jesus said the strait narrow way which leads to eternal life would be found by only a few.  So, if the 'church' is his people,  just look at how  MANY  there is in that system.  So, see, they cannot possibly be the 'few'.


As I was answering another thread I came to see that when Jesus was about to bring his wrath on that old system, they understood the change to a  CHURCH  and made up this false church, the 'dens' of the earth, to hide in.  Now, there they are     hidden    in  a   CHURCH.  But the only safe hiding place is in Jesus.  Notice also, that they then immediately set out to kill all the true Christians;  just as they have been doing since Cain killed Abel.  Yes, they have killed millions and millions who objected to their idolatous ways.  They killed the physically and Spiritually.  They took the whole world into their idols.  All in the name of Jesus:  this one is his 'birthday';  this one is his death;  this one is his resurrection; there are so many I do not know them all.  But it is all the old  BAAL worship.  It is the nimrod thing as you said.


Now, that old whore is inventing a new 'name' to call our Saviour by = 'yahshua'.   Yes, Isaiah, God has shown me this is that false ' Jesus'  Paul spoke of.


For you know, Jesus said we would be hated of all for HIS  Name's sake.  They will seek to kill all who stay true to the only name given among men whereby we must be saved  =   JESUS.


They are slowly, as traveling poison,  brainwashing more and more people to dropping this precious Name and changing it to this fake name.  This name is not once mentioned in the Scriptures.  Yet, they tell us we are evil to speak out against this.


Well, so be it.  Jesus said we would bear reproach for this name, Jesus.

Notice also, that as soon as this message hit the board, those deceived by that whore began to publish her poison.  Oh, (says SHE)  you must be faithful to 'your' 'church'.  In other words, NO FREEDOM.  You are BOUND  to be 'there' at any time 'she' designates'.  You had better not go anywhere else.


Oh, (says SHE)  you had better pay ME your tithes;  after all, I am an OT whore in disguise, and we are kept up by 'tithes'.

If you  drop out of 'my' fellowship, you will be lost.


Sound familar?  It should.  It is her poison she has made the world sick with.


More of her vomit:  You better get up at sunrise and help us worship the rising sun.  Then get out there with that easter rabbit and hunt those eggs.  this is great stuff.  It got our saviour killed.  then get up at sunrise on x-mas day to see all those gooddies our fat man brought you.  this also helped kill him.  we have all those crucifixes we display to tell the world we got him killed and we still have him 'dead'. 


Yes this is her puke.  but now, yaul better get over here every Sunday if you wish to go up into the sky someday.  HE is gonna come and take us all up yonder into the blue somewhere even thought we sin every day.

This is not 'popular' teachings.  It will make us no friends.  But it is the truth.

Tonight, June 15, 2005, as I read the above post, I fully remember the anointing being upon me that night.  God has truly given me some great revelation of this whorish system called 'church'.

It is the most deceiving thing since Adam deceived Eve.

From: joie

Sent: 4/7/2002 10:25 AM


Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman:


That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words.


For at the window of my house I looked through my casement,


And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding,


Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house,


In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night:


And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.


(She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:


Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.)


So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him,


I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows.


Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee.


I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.


I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.


Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.


For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey:


He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed.


With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.


He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;


Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.


Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.


Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.


For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.


Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.

Notice, v4 said to get wisdom that it will keep thee from 'strange woman'.  See, this 'church' is a 'strange woman'. she is not the true bride of Christ.  She 'flatters' people;  yes, just listen to them boast on you and brag;  that is as long as your are a 'member in good standing i.e. attend meetings regularly, pay them your tithes, help build greater barns;  and above all,   DON'T  RAISE  ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT GOES ON.

It said the simple, young ones, void of understanding are taken in by her. 

v9--In the 'darkness' she seduces him = in the error of their teachings is the darkness.  She is not in the LIGHT.

v14--She claims she has the way of peace.    

v16--Describes her as in Rev. 18. Notice that she claims 'fine linen = ( a type of 'righteousness)--but where is hers from?  Egypt. = the world.

v18--she says let us take our fill of love  UNTIL  the morning: ~~~~~~~ the morning is the day of resurrection. She knows her time will be up then;  she will be thrust out into the 'open'.

v19--She said the 'goodman' is not at home ~~~---  saying Jesus is NOT there; ~~~~~~ he is gone.

v19--Uses his own words -- he took a long journey = his assention back to Heaven. v20--He will return at the day appointed = the resurrection day~~~~v26--She has cast down many strong men wounded.  slain by her.  v27--her house (that false church) is the way to HELL.

That dear friends, is the Word of God against this whore church

 I want to clarify something about this message.  I did carry it to another community.  They have misunderstood this;  so I thought you might also need a little more explanation of this part of this revelation.  I cannot explain it to them;  for their manager is the one who got mad at me for saying women should not wear pants or cut their hair.

She told me to leave and not do my 'destruction' there.  So, I unjoined there and did not even try to explain what they are misunderstanding about this message.  I figure when one resents God having the right to tell his daughters how to dress and conduct our lives, they will not be able to understand the deep things of the Word such as this.

When I said that   JERUSALEM  is the mystery Babylon ~~~~  I am NOT  speaking of  the city in the east which people call Jerusalem.  No, no!  This is NOT  God's Jerusalem.  That is where most of the whole world is mixed up.  They think of that place as Jerusalem;  and those people there as the Jews.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

No!    JERUSALEM   is God's Name.  That city of Jebus only goes by God's name.  But that is not the true one.  The true people of God are the true Jerusalem.  But,  and here is the missing clue:  the 'old Jerusalem' is also not that natural city over there; it is the old Law  system of serving God. 

The Holy Jerusalem is the True Christians;  this is the New Jerusalem.  It cover the  WHOLE EARTH.  Anywhere God's true people are, that is Jerusalem.  I am Jerusalem.  You are too,  if you are a true Christian.

But, the old Jerusalem is those people who pretend to be God's people, but in reality they are the wolves in sheep clothing.  They are  FALSE.

That is the mystery Babylon = the false church.  It also cover the  WHOLE  EARTH.  It is not just one city of nation on earth;  it is a  SYSTEM.

They thought I was speaking of that natural city over yonder called Jerusalem.  So they totally missed the truth of this message.  That old Catholic church,  that old Baptist church, Methodist,  and all the rest are that old Jerusalem which is the whore against God.  It is a spiritual city which covers this whole earth.  It is not New York, as some of them think;  it is not the U.N. as many think;  it is not the natural Jerusalem;  it is not America;  no, no!!!


Hope this helps others to understand.  It is the false church; = false religion; =  see, that is why I took it back to Cain killing Abel.  That was old Jerusalem;  that was false religion.    ;    false religion  is   Babylon.

Two women in the field (world)  =  True church  and  false  church.  They cover the whole earth.


Wow.  Just look, how I already had that same revelation way back in 2002.  Yet when God opened up that in Exodus about the law group or the law itself, the old tabernacle, Ark of the Covenant, etc, actually being the harlot city dressed in Scarlet and gold and fine linen and precious stones, I thought it was the first time I had that revelation!

Funny, though I had this all the time.  No one can accept this true message.  Guess only the FEW Jesus spoke of can see such things as this.  The entire world 'worships' that false Jerusalem.

I saw this as I read Larry's message and meant to bring this out before, but forgot it.

I see from this that when God said, Cursed be the man who rebuilds Jericho,  It was a pure type of saying cursed be the man who rebuilds back the seven -headed beast of Law, Adam, OT covenant, Jerusalem, in other words, revives the killed head of law.

In other words, the CHURCH is the cursed, guilty man.  Church is the culprit who revived that old sinful city of 'Jericho', the old law system.  This is indeed the mystery Babylon = the city of Adam = rebellious mankind.

From: joie

Sent: 2/16/2003 11:02 PM

Well, it certainly seems very clear to me tonight, that God wants this message to be understood at this time on our group.  I set out to search for my message on My Beautiful God, but keep finding these on the subject we were already on, the Mystery Babylon.


So, as I see it, this one needs to be there with the others on this subject.  If anyone cares enough to study all of this, I am quite sure they could not fail to see the truth;  unless they just flat REFUSE to accept God's truth.


Anyway, here is a wealth of truth all on this subject.  It is amazing to me that we have already done so much on  this study.



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