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Date Posted:11/16/2024 9:52 PMCopy HTML

Noah's sin - Build on the True Foundation

I answered this question on Yahoo with this:

First, Adam and Eve showed to be naked because they had sinned. they now had lost the glory of God, which they had to begin with.
Being drunk shows being deceived by false doctrine. The world was DRUNK on the WINE of the whore, Rev. So the world was deceived with the false doctrine of the false church.
Law is not of God. Grace is of God.
Adam was first in Grace, but fell to law. thus he became NAKED.
The seventh church is said to be NAKED. Same kind of nakedness = fell away from Grace, back to law, by which is no salvation.
So before the flood, NOAH had found GRACE in the eyes of the Lord. This is the ONLY REASON he and his family were spared the flood.

But soon after they came out of the Ark, (we are not told how long), but some time later, We see Noah again offering animal sacrifices to God, which God has ALWAYS hated. God never killed any sheep as false teachers claim. He placed them into human, dust frame skin.

He took them from immortal, and put them into mortal.
Now, Heb 10 and Isa 1, and 66 prove that God has never had pleasure in animal blood and called it evil. He said as he watched Noah doing the animal sacrifices, Man's thoughts are EVIL from his youth = before the flood.

So how did Noah get from being in Grace, = covered by faith in the blood of Jesus, to being back to animal sacrifices?
His son, Ham, had led Noah back to this faulty covenant, of LAW. Thus Noah finds himself 'DRUNK' on the 'wine' of the whore = Adam's kingdom, gone away from righteousness, into sin.

Now Noah has taken back up the same sins of Adam. Why? Ham . Cursed is everyone who is under LAW.
Law is a curse, plainly taught in Scripture.
so Noah is now naked, lost his Grace, and drunk on the wine of this harlot = false religion.

But what takes place next? His other two sons refused to get into this false religion and rescues Noah, placing the right 'covering' ON HIM AGAIN. They brought him back to Grace.
That is why the last time Noah is mentioned, he is called a preacher of righteousness. His sins were not remembered against him.
Adam's sins were never remitted. Righteousness is NEVER, NOT ONE TIME NAMED FOR ADAM.
Adam is Satan.
We see that God sends curses to the next generation, instead of the son. This is why Noah cursed Canaan. he was Ham's son.

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