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Revelation 16

In the last two days God has been revealing this chapter to me.  I can tell you, it is astounding to me, as it is so different from anything I have ever heard, or thought.  But then, this is the way it always is when God reveals his Word to me.  It is totally different from what the carnal mind thinks.  Only in the spiritual mind, given by God, can one get HIS truth.

So now, I will try with God’s leadership, to write what God is showing me.

Verse 1, A great voice out of the temple; (the temple is the body of Christ, with Jesus as its head;  so this is the voice of the people of Jesus speaking).  It is told to the seven angels to pour out the wrath of God upon the earth.

To understand Scripture one must know the secret language of the Word.  Sea, earth, heaven, sun, moon, stars, and such, all have a hidden spiritual meaning.  It is not the English words as we know them.

Due to the fact that Scripture says that in the eternity, after time is no more, the sea will be no more; but heaven and earth will always be, I see that ‘sea’ represents the OT law system, to be totally abolished.

So the sea time extends from Adam till Jesus; and then picks up again in the false church, which is also the earth group or the false prophet.  Unless you can see this, the rest of this chapter will never open up to you and you will always believe the lies of the three unclean spirits ruling this world.

This earth group, or false church, is the IMAGE of the old beast of the OT.  It picked right back up the law, lies, trinity, holidays, living in sin and calling it saved, ruling over the people. This is the false prophet or the earth.  The image is in chp 13, the beast coming up out of the earth.  It exercises all the power of that first beast, of the OT law system, and is given this power by Satan.

So this great voice tells the angels to pour out the wrath of God upon the earth.  This is the time that God brings this false church system to its judgment.  You should study Rev 11, first and see the ministry of the two witnesses, the anointed Church with the baptism of Fire.  Then read Psalm 149, for more on this judgment ministry.  This group with the fire coming out of the MOUTHS is the ones doing this pouring out of the judgment on this wicked church. The first witness, or the early church, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, poured out the wrath on that OT law group.  The last anointed church with the baptism of Fire will pour out this wrath on this wicked church group.

Verse 2.  The first angel pours out his vial upon the earth.  This hits the people who have the mark of the beast and worship his image.  So it is the false church.  This false church includes all who believe the lie of trinity, Jesus-only incarnate god, and the Jehovah witnesses, as they are denying the name of Jesus as our one and only power.

Due to the fact that I must show some meanings from the strongs here, this message will be long.  Here is what it says about ‘noisome’.  There fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and those who worship his image.

Here is the meaning of ‘noisome’:

AV - evil 40, evil things 3, harm 2, that which is evil +   3458  2,

wicked 1, ill 1, bad 1, noisome 1; 51

1) of a bad nature

1a) not such as it ought to be

2) of a mode of thinking, feeling, acting

2a) base, wrong, wicked

3) troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful 

Here is the strongs meaning for ‘grievous’:AV - evil 51, wicked 10, wicked one 6, evil things 2, misc 7; 76

1) full of labours, annoyances, hardships

1a) pressed and harassed by labours

1b) bringing toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of

peril to Christian faith and steadfastness; causing pain and


2) bad, of a bad nature or condition

2a) in a physical sense: diseased or blind ..3) troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful

AV - sore 3; 3

1) a wound, esp. a wound producing a discharge pus

2) a sore, an ulcer

So we see from the above that the time of separation of God’s people and the beast people shows up their true nature, and what they had done to them by the beast.  They had become harmed by evil, a bad nature and way of thinking. They were harassed by labours, which means that the wicked one, Satan/ Adam, had brought them into the blinded bondage of LAW, instead of Grace.   Thus they had received the  three unclean spirits from the mouth of the dragon, the beast and false prophet, all speaking the same old lies, of a trinity or incarnate god.  This is their mark and what caused them to take up all the other bad things of this beast church or spirit, of paying a man to lead them, teach them, and the works of the law.   This caused them to be blind as God shows the Laodicean church to be.  This is their last stage and their condition when the judgment of God comes upon them.

Now verse 3.  This one is a shocker.  The revelation of this is awesome to say the least.  The second angel poured out his vial upon the sea.  Now this backs up, (as Scripture does in many cases),  to the time God poured out his wrath on that OT law system, at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus.  The sea became as the blood of a DEAD MAN.  I know this is going to be hard for anyone to see.  Unless God reveals this to you, you will say I am crazy.  Say whatever you wish.  I know that God gave this to me.  Certainly I have never heard any of this message, and I most certainly could not have gotten it from my own little mind.

At the time of the judgment of the OT law group, God poured out his wrath upon ONE MAN, for the sins of the rest of them.  Even their high priest had prophesied of this, saying that one MAN should die for the nation and not that they all die.  This is Scripture, not something I made up.  God said the sins of the whole world was placed upon JESUS CHRIST ON THAT CROSS.  Even Paul later said God took the righteousness of Jesus and put it on us and took our sins and put it on Jesus.

So in order to save those who would come to  Christ, God had to let one man die for the sins of this world.  Since by MAN came sin, and death by sin, Life had to come by one MAN.  So says God’s word in Romans 5.

6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.

8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

Now that is enough Scripture to prove to anyone what I am saying here;  that Jesus died for the sins of that old sea group.  Hebrews says his sacrifice was for the sins that are past.

So this ‘sea’ or OT law group, became as the blood of this ONE DEAD MAN.  God transferred this death to them all, so he could have mercy on all who would come to this sacrifice and be cleansed from their sins.

Romans 6 shows that we are baptized into the death of Jesus by our water baptism in his Name.  This is why those who refuse this baptism, (due to listening to the three unclean spirits), will never be delivered from their sins;  they are not baptized into the death of Jesus.  This is the only way we can be raised to walk in newness of life; in the likeness of his resurrection.

So by this water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, we are partakers of his death, then his resurrection, to new life.

Now another error that blinds people: they think that from Adam down, everyone was a living soul.  Not so.  Jesus said you are DEAD in trespasses and sins.  You are DEAD.  We are DEAD and our life is hid in Christ Jesus.  Either way, we are dead. We are not made into a live soul until we obey the right kind of water baptism and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  Without this spirit of Christ, you are dead.  You are not a living soul.  You are a dead soul with the wounds of that old beast on you.

So every LIVING soul in the sea died. Now what?  It simply means that everyone from that OT law group, who had the life seed of God in them, died to self, via this water baptism/Holy Ghost baptism and became a new creation in Christ Jesus.  The old man is dead.  The new man now lives.  So everyone who had the life of God, from that OT law or sea group, died, this death of Jesus Christ and rose in the likeness of his resurrection.  Paul said you must crucify the old man, die to the old man, so the new man can live.  It is crystal clear in Scripture.  I wonder how could anyone read this and doubt it?  I guess those unclean spirits have them so blind no light can enter them.

Verse 4. The third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

So what is ‘rivers and fountains of waters’?  God shows the ones who speak to be the fountains of waters;  peoples are rivers.  So how did they become blood? Just as I showed you above, by partaking of the death of Jesus and being cleansed by his BLOOD.  Then they, the Apostolic Church, began preaching the blood atonement of Jesus Christ.  Their words are blood to the people.  Holy Blood that one must DRINK to have LIFE.

5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.

6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

Now this seems contrary to us;  but after all, this is why God poured out his wrath on Jesus, instead of the whole world.  Jesus died in order to give us LIFE.  Is that not right?

See the carnal mind, ruled by the three unclean spirits from the mouth of that dragon and his ministers, has blinded us all to the real truth of God.  Only God can open these blinded eyes.

They, (the OT law group) shed the blood of saints and prophets.  In Mat 23, Jesus clearly said this was the guilt of old Jerusalem; they killed all the saints and prophets.  So in order to save them, He had to give them BLOOD TO DRINK for the blood they had shed.

John 6, Jesus said, unless you EAT my FLESH, (or his spiritual food) and DRINK MY BLOOD, ( again his spiritual life or food; his word),  ye have no LIFE IN YOU.

(I Want to show you something here.  Just imagine the horrible reproach which came on Jesus for this saying, "You must eat my flesh and DRINK my BLOOD.  See, those Jews Knew that God had pronounced DEATH on any who drank blood.  It was strictly forbidden to them by God himself, in the OT.  So when Jesus told them they had to drink his blood, naturally they were shocked and saw him as a lunatic; probably how you see me right now.  So in horror, they walked away from Jesus.  Drink your blood?  Not for one minute, for they saw it carnally, just as people still do today, claiming that the Word of God became human flesh, or a baby, whom we must eat.  See, the same old lies of the unclean spirits.)

  So in order for this guilty, blood-shedding group of sinners, to obtain salvation, they had to come and DRINK THE BLOOD OF THIS DEAD MAN.  It fulfilled the old law they had lived by = an eye for an eye and blood for blood.  Thus, since they had shed blood, they had to drink blood to be cleansed.  The only way to do this is to obey the plan of salvation, revealed by Peter, in Acts 2,10, and 19 (by Paul).  There is no other way.  If you refuse to repent of your sins, be water baptized in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, (thus being baptized into his death,) and receive his spirit in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, to replace that old wicked spirit of trinity, you will never have eternal life.  This is the only way the blood of this dead man, Jesus, can cleanse you.  This is how you DRINK HIS BLOOD, and you MUST. (When the Holy Ghost comes into one, this is the LIFE OR BLOOD of Jesus entering.  The life is in the blood.  So thus we receive the life, or blood, of Jesus into ourselves.  See how important receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost is?  Yet almost all churches today deny this.  So they are your enemies and will destroy you eternally.)

 Every trinity believing church out there and the Jehovah hall thinks they can bypass this and pretend to obey Jesus, to be baptized in the name of the father, son and holy ghost.  Then why did not Peter, Paul and the rest do that?  They knew how to receive the blood of this man who died for us.  God the Father did not die for us, so we cannot receive salvation in his name.  It must be the name of Jesus Christ, alone.  It had to come by another MAN, not God.

Now it says they are worthy.  This would certainly seem contrary, if they killed the prophets and saints.  I had trouble with this till God showed me how it is.  See, it is only those who came and DRANK this BLOOD, that was worthy.  He GAVE THEM THIS BLOOD..thus they who drank, and received this blood atonement were worthy, because they repented and obeyed What God said.

See it said God’s judgments are righteous as he judged that they had shed blood, they would be redeemed by blood. The blood of one righteous man, redeemed all those who would come and drink HIS BLOOD and obey his word on how to be saved.  If you refuse, then you do reject the blood of this man, who gave his life for you.

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

Now it goes back to those who refused to obey and drink the blood of that dead man. It returns to the judgment ministry of those witnesses of God, who have the baptism of FIRE.  Fire coming out of their mouths to devour their enemies.

Rev 12 shows that the ‘woman’ who bore the manchild, was clothed with the SUN.  So this sun represents Jesus and his cleansed empowered people, or witnesses. So this vial gives these witnesses the power to go into the ministry recorded in Ps 149 and Rev 11.  It is also those ‘locusts’ in Rev 9.

Rev 11 says these have fire coming out their mouths; in other words, they are SPEAKING words of judgment and condemnation to those who refused to obey the call into water baptism for the remission of sins.  They refused to drink the blood of Jesus.

So now they receive the wrath of God on them, because of their trampling the blood of Jesus and the spirit of grace.  The being scorched with fire and great heat signifies the wrath of God being poured out on them.  It is coming from the word of these witnesses, not the sun up in the sky.  See, it shows that no matter what God puts on them, they refuse to repent and give him glory.  Instead they blasphemed the name of God.  I think we see and hear a lot of that today.

10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,

11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

What is the seat of the beast? Rev 2 v13, I know thy works and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s SEAT is.  ...WHERE SATAN DWELIETH.

So this makes it clear that satan’s seat is in the church.  Yes, it is as I told you, satan dwells in those churches.  That is why they will not receive any truth from God; they are bound and wounded by those three unclean spirits this dragon speaks all the time. So this false church, (which included them all), is the kingdom of satan.  They are full of darkness, which means total lies.  This is why there is no in-between ground; no part truth and part lies.  It is either all truth, or all lies.

Now why are they gnawing their tongues?  Simple, they flat refused to allow God to speak through their tongues.  They mocked the tongues which the Holy Ghost utters when He comes into a soul and flat hated it, denied it and refused it.  So now, they finally see, too late, that they have missed it with God and now their tongues are full of pain and they see the sores satan put on them.  But still they do not repent.  It is too late for them. Their tongues speak lies of the unclean spirits and are thus their own fate or eternal death, for they refused to allow their tongue to be used by God.

12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. (Walking naked shows they do not have the covering of Jesus or his truth;  this is the same nakedness of Adam and the last church).

Now I have already written a message on this part, for this is where I started receiving this revelation.  But for the sake of those who do not read that, let’s just put in some of this here.  Euphrates is that OT law system. (Remember, Euphrates is the river the frogs of Egypt came from and returned to.)  It is dried up at the time of the dead man, when Jesus was crucified and the way for the ministers or kings from the East is made. They are the apostles and the Pentecostal church.  They must battle the three unclean spirits of devils, coming from the mouth of that dragon and his false church.  This unclean spirit is the false doctrine of trinity and its offspring, the incarnate god and Jesus-only and Jehovah only doctrines.   These two groups are coming together to battle.  It is going on now; has been going on since Jesus rose from the dead.  Each day we are all battling to either get into the kingdom of Christ or remain in the kingdom of satan. There is no middle ground.  This is that great day of God Almighty, as Christ is battling for the souls of man, whom he died for. 

 The miracles these three unclean spirits work is being able to deceive this whole world into rejecting this blood atonement of Jesus via the baptism of the Holy Ghost; declaring all it takes is just 'believing'.

16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.(The air is where the principalities of satanic spirits dwell and work. They worked to kill Jesus.)

The kings of the earth, false religion group, was gathered together against Jesus when he was crucified.  Regardless of how many false teaches try to place that down here, it is lies.  This happened when Jesus was crucified.  Our Armageddon is our own lives, deciding to either repent and follow Jesus, or remain a sinner and follow Satan.

So when they all gathered against Jesus, that seventh angel poured out his vial into the air.  There came a great voice out of the temple (Christ Jesus), saying IT IS DONE.  Now where is that revealed in Scripture?  Surely you know it was when Jesus gave up the ghost and died?  He cried out, IT IS FINISHED.  Doesn't that mean it is done?  Sure it does.  He meant the entire plan of God was now finished.  All that is left is this battle of individuals to either repent and come to Jesus, or remain a sinner and lose your soul.  When God is finished waiting he will then end the NT age of Church and time shall be no more.

18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.

19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

The voices, thunders, lightnings and earthquakes happened when Jesus died.  Everyone seems to think this is something way down beyond us.  Not so.  This is total misinterpreting Scripture, due to those lying spirits.

 So don’t you see that all of this has already happened?  This mighty earthquake happened when Jesus died and then rose from the dead. Not only the natural earthquakes but the spiritual ones as the people so greatly feared watching these things. Fear in Scripture, is likened to earthquakes. The voices, thunders and lightnings, is the preaching of the gospel which followed his death.  The thunder is the voice of God commanding these things to be done). 

The great city being divided and the islands and mountains fleeing away, shows the changing from the OT era to the NT era.  All of that OT way of life disappeared, as shown in Lamentations, and a new way of life began.  Thus Jesus started the new heavens and new earth.  We do not have  the kind of life they had in the OT.  We must not offer blood of animals up to God and we must not smite those who smite us.  We must not stone offenders to death.  We are under a command to love and forgive, else we will not be forgiven.  Those old mountains fell and new mountains took their place. 

The great city, (Adam's kingdom), being divided into three parts is this:  the first part was that world before the flood.  The second part is the OT law system.  The third part is this church age.  [just now saw that].)

Verse 21, I love this: This great hail falling on men was the message which Peter, Paul, James and John and all the rest of that anointed witness church preached. That message torments all who are not born of God.

God clearly shows that hail is his words.  These were heavy words:  you either drink the blood of this man you killed, or you end up in hell fire.  You either be water baptized in the name of this MAN for the remissions of your sins (not offer up dead animals), and receive his SPIRIT, THE HOLY GHOST, letting him speak through your tongue, or end up in hell fire.  You either stop your sins and live Holy and Godly in this PRESENT world, or end up in hell fire.  Yes, this is the tormenting hail stones that we still cast upon you.  He said the hail was the weight of a TALENT.  This is that one talent God gives to every man.  Those apostles used their talent and increased, to remain with Jesus, when He comes to judge us by our works. That is why you hate all who speak the truth of God.  Sure men still blaspheme this great message and the true God that gives it.  Soon that fire will be coming out our mouths to devour our enemies.

By: Jo Smith**Jan 28, 2014

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