Title: The Two Wives | |
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Date Posted:06/01/2018 2:33 AMCopy HTML The Two wives By: Jo Smith May 31, 2018….(anniversary of my receiving the Holy Ghost; very important day in my life) In about 1997 I began making tape messages. I did not have a computer at that time but God was revealing much of his word to me. I spent many weeks, months, nights studying the word of God. I would sit and write sometimes all night, the things God was showing me. I now have several composition books full of the things I wrote back then as God was teaching me. One of my first tape messages was, Two creations. I have never heard anyone else teach this subject. But God revealed it to me. I also did a couple of tapes on a message called, Two women in the field. In this message I said, the whole earth, with Jesus as its head is the wife of God. Now this was years before God gave me the message of The Wife of God found in Isaiah 54:5. I Saw even back then that all flesh is female to God. God is a Spirit and the Spirit is considered to be MALE, for by it we receive the seed of LIFE. So then every human, man or woman, must be given a seed of LIFE from this Spirit world, in order to become a child of God, and have the hope of eternal life. So then, men are female to God. This is an important spiritual principal that you need to learn in order to understand the truth and secrets found in Scripture. In knowing this, as I read Isaiah 54 years ago, God revealed the message of THE WIFE OF GOD to me. IT TOOK my Breath away. Only a few people could grasp the truth of this message, for they think Jesus is God. This false doctrine keeps them from ever seeing the real truth of Jesus, God and Scripture. They cannot begin to understand that Jesus is the one He spoke to in Isaiah 54. Thy maker is thy husband. There it is. Our maker is our husband. This was spoken by God, to Jesus. The husband of Jesus is God. So see how this fits the revelation that God gave me back in 1997….that the entire earth, with Jesus as its head, is the wife of God. Jesus said, we are bone of his bone; flesh of his flesh. He said, by one Spirit are we baptized into ONE BODY. Therefore, Jesus said, if you do it to the least of these my brethren, you do it to me. If you do it to President Trump, you are doing it to Jesus, for He sent Donald Trump to prepare the way for his second coming. The anointing of God is taking my mind in so many different directions tonight, that this may be very scrambled up. Just read it and let God speak to you. This is not my words; it is God’s word. When God begins anointing me for a message, His thoughts come to me so fast I cannot write fast enough to get it in. If this has never happened to you, you have no idea what it means to have that anointing teaching you. If you have it, you know what it is to have Scripture revealed to you by God.. it is then God’s word. Now to back up to the wife /female thoughts; know that a church is called a WOMAN. Bride. A nation is called a woman. The earth is called a female, yet they have both men and women in them. God does not distinguish this as He sees us as all ONE. God is called a male. The male/female thing with God is SPIRIT AND FLESH. HE IS SPIRIT; MALE; WE ARE FLESH; FEMALE. UNTIL YOU CAN see this, you will never get the truth of God’s word. See that Jesus fits here with us as a female wife to God, for he is our head. We are ONE BODY. This one body is FEMALE TO GOD. But Jesus also is one with the God kingdom, after his resurrection; therefore he is also part of the male world. This is why we are HIS BRIDE. He is our bridegroom; but he is the wife of God. He ‘mothered’ the children of God. He gives us birth. Yet God gave him birth. He conceived in his own soul/womb, the only begotten Son of God. But this is a bit off my message. Just trying to say enough to lay a good foundation for this message. I am trying to show you first the wife of God and the wife of Jesus Christ. This earth, the true born again Children of God, are this wife of Jesus Christ. He, being one with us, our head, is then the wife of God. God said, I will come and dwell with you and be with you and in you. I want you to see clearly this wife of God first. If we have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, we have been made to become a member of this one body of Christ. God never speaks of the body or kingdom or himself, as just 1 being. It is always an innumerable host, united as ONE. So then, the two women in the field, grinding out meal, is two different kingdoms on earth. One of them is the holy wife of Jesus and together we are the wife of God. But we all know there is another woman in there, also grinding out meal. Yes, there is that harlot, mystery Babylon. There is that Jezebel. From Adam and Eve down, these two kingdoms have struggled and battled against each other. It is in full swing this very day. Everything going on around us, in this world, is those two women; brothers, twins, struggling in the womb together. It is Adam and Eve. It is Jacob and Esau. It is Satan and Jesus. It was Judas and Jesus. It is DemonRats and Republicans. But to narrow it down to what God showed me tonight….. That other woman is the wife of Adam/satan; the old serpent still battling against Eve and her righteous seed. Yes, people, everyone on this earth belongs to either one of these wives or the others. We are all in one of these kingdoms or the other. The only way to be in the kingdom of Christ, or be his wife or bride is to obey the message in the Book of Acts. There is no other way. If Jesus himself had to go be water baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, speak in tongues and live a holy righteous life to come out of that grave in the new birth of a glorified body, then surely you know that we all will have to go that same route. He himself never sinned; but the sins of the whole world were laid on him…..so he had to come into the kingdom of Christ the very same way that we do. The world has never heard this true message since the days of the book of Acts. But this last trumpet is sounding right now and you are hearing the sound, right now. You see seven trumps right now in this USA. It is a sure sign that we are at that time when the bridegroom is going to appear and take his bride; (not off this earth; but to himself). So everyone who refuses to come in through the baptism of the Holy Ghost, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, ( for there is no other name given among men whereby we MUST BE SAVED, but the name of JESUS CHRIST; not Jehovah; Not alah; not santa claus. or any other name. we must come to God by Jesus Christ and him alone); if you refuse the only way, you are in the other woman; You are in the wife of satan. Adam is your husband. Adam is satan. Adam is that old serpent. This is why you do not know this and cannot accept it, for he has deceived you into thinking that you are of Jesus Christ when you are really of satan. You can run to your little church every day and still never know God. God is not found that way. He is found only in his WORD, WHICH YOU CARE NOTHING FOR. When you do not study and search the Scriptures, you will never, never find the true God or his truth. You will forever believe a lie to the damnation of your soul. You belong to the wife who is spinning out her own flesh or meal; LIES. She says, it is good to keep xmess. We need to celebrate Jesus’s birthday, even though the Word of God forbids this. She says, watch your filthy movies and books; she says, just run to church faithfully; pay the preacher; pay your tithes; hide easter eggs and all other devil worship holidays. She says, this is good. She says, no need to receive any Holy Ghost. Just say you believe. Well, yes you do believe; but you are believing her lies….eating her flesh and drinking her blood. You are wife of satan. The seat of satan is in the church, so says Revelation. So this is why you feel so good there and yet are in full disobedience to all the Scripture teaches. You flat refuse to listen to anyone who brings you another message than what your satanic preacher says. You will not even read these messages and ask God to show you if it is true or not. Therefore God turns you over to a reprobate mind to believe a lie and be damned. You have heard the sound of the trumpet many times for Larry Bray and I have been sounding the true messages now for many years. It goes unheeded. Your blood will not be on our hands for we have warned you and cried to you to repent of these your sins. Stop taking your children into these idol holidays for it is devil worship. You will not listen. You belong to Adam/satan’s kingdom. You are that other wife. You are the Babylon/Jezebel woman. Yes, that was a true message from God. Those two women fill this entire earth and it is getting more and more separated each day. God has sent a separator into our midst and his name is DONALD TRUMP. His full name is DONALD…..JOHN…TRUMP…. SEE THAT JOHN? Making straight paths for his coming. I am so thankful that God opened my understanding and I loved it and obeyed it. Praise my Holy Husband, Jesus Christ. I am not married to law, or Adam or Satan or church. My husband called me to come out of her, that other woman; that harlot with the false jesus. Jo Smith ![]() |