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Date Posted:12/04/2020 7:20 PMCopy HTML

Two Wings of a Great Eagle
By: Jo Smith. ~~ December 4, 2020
The woman who was clothed with the sun, the true people of God, was given two wings of a great Eagle so she could fly into her place and be fed and protected from the face of the serpent.
What are those two wings?   A bird shows a spirit.   The fouls of the air are spirits in the spirit realm right here.  The Air is this spirit world.
So this great Eagle is the group who attained to the great power of God to overcome this world.
There are two witnesses, Rev 11.  They are revealed in Zech 4.  There are seven churches, which are a mixture of good and evil.  Not the true Church of God but the wheat and tares growing together.
Jesus said the tares, (children of the wicked one, and the wheat (children of God) would grow together till the end when He will send his angels and separate them forever.
So until the end, we will have this mixture of good and evil.  He said they will bind the tares first, into bundles to burn them.  Then he will gather the wheat into his barn.  So see that a false teaching of a rapture of saints first is totally wrong and very misleading.
Zech 4 shows seven golden candlesticks, (or churches) with two Olive Trees, on either side of the seven.  These are the two witnesses.  He said this is the two anointed ones that stand before the God of the earth.
Jesus told his disciples, you are my WITNESSES.
Jesus and John were witnesses of God.
The two olive trees are witnesses of Jesus.
God anointed Jesus with the Holy  Ghost and power.  Acts 10.
Jesus anointed the first witness, the group in Acts, with the Holy Ghost and power.
So what happened to that power?  Or that anointing?  The mixed churches took it all away with their lies and idols.
So the church went into a dead, cold, lifeless condition.  They are not witnesses of Jesus.
But there has to come one more WITNESS.  There has to be one more anointed group because the Word shows a group at the end, bringing the wrath of the Lamb on this sinful earth.  Psalm 149.
This will be the second witness or another anointed group with the power of God.  These are the two wings of that great Eagle.  This anointing is the power of God on these people.   The spirit or wings is the Holy Ghost and the Spirit of Fire.
These two spirits from God anointed these two groups of witnesses and gave them the power of God to overcome this wicked world. The seven churches know nothing about these two spirits and even deny their existence.  They say all you must do is shake a preacher's hand, say I believe, and you are saved.  Such hideous lies.
Now for the OT type:
This is a beautiful thing that God showed me this morning.  Jacob loved Rachel and worked seven years to have her for a wife.
He was tricked into marrying Leah first.  Leah represents that  OT law group.  Jacob did not want Leah and hated her.  God hated that law system.  Scripture is clear about this matter.
But Satan/Adam tricked the world into taking up animal sacrifices and law.  God hated everything about this system, but he had given this earth to Adam and therefore Adam had his way.
This is secrets that the deceived churches know not one thing about.  They will listen to this one, and that one, pay for study courses but end up still not knowing any truth.  They just become indoctrinated with other men’s lies.
Leah bore Jacob six sons and a daughter.  Rachel was barren for many years.  The two sisters gave their two handmaids to Jacob to have more children.  They had two sons each and Rachel still had no children.  She longed for children.  She went to God in prayer and God gave her Joseph.
This son of the loved wife represents the first witness. Then Rachel died having one more son, Benjamin.  Benjamin represents that last witness.  These two sons of Rachel, the loved wife, or Grace, are those two wings.  They are the two witnesses.
See, we must die to self in order to bring forth a true witness anointed with power from on high.  Jacob loved these two sons of Rachel more than his other children.
Joseph represents Jesus, as he was hated by his brothers and sold into Egypt.  Later He is the one who delivers his family when the seven year famine hit the land.  Up until this time they thought Joseph was dead.  He was later set up by the king to rule over the land, under the king.  This is showing that God set Jesus over his land to rule it.  That seven year famine is those seven churches, which bring on the famine for the hearing of the true Words of God.
After this time of Joseph, the Israelites make their flight from Egypt into that wilderness.  See, the woman fled into the wilderness for a time.  Later they are delivered again.   This is showing those two witnesses.  After they crossed Jordon, they destroyed those sinful Canaanites and took their land.
This is showing the ministry of the second witness, of Psalm 149, when they take over this world and destroy the evil works of Satan/Adam forever.
People of God, this second witness has not been anointed yet; has not taken the sinful nations of Adam down yet.  But we are in the time that we see it beginning to happen.
We can now clearly see the dividing of the wheat and the tares.  Everyone thought it would be this way or that way, but they had no idea how it would truly happen.  The world had no idea how the Messiah would come.  When he did come, they killed him.
But God is not going to allow this second witness to be destroyed.
This anointed group of people, working with the Spirit of Fire, will take over this word, destroy Satan/Adam, and then Jesus will become the rightful King over this earth.
We have a great day coming, but we will see a lot of ‘bad’ stuff for now, as the witnesses prepare to take down the kingdom of Satan off this earth.  We will witness the working of Psalm 149.  Right now the dividing is taking place.  People scream, unite, unity.  No way.  It will never be that way again and we should be so thankful.
The wicked will now be severed from among the just.  The Laodecian dead church will fall completely and never rise again.  It is Babylon falling the second time.  This time these tares will be cast into the lake of Fire and be destroyed forever.  Then the righteous will shine forth as the STARS forever.
See the carnally minded look at stars as being the heavenly natural bodies in the night sky.  That carnal mind is death.  God said the stars are angels.  So we will shine forth as the angels do.  The true children of God, who may be now deceived in that carnal church will be brought forth and learn the true ways of God and give up their idols or be destroyed with the wicked.
‘Be not conformed to the world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind and prove what is the acceptable and perfect will of God’.
But the evil church said, No.  We will do things our own way.  We will not give up Xmess, easter, or any other idol.  We are lords over our own selves.  So be it.  End up in the lake of fire with Adam.

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