The True Light Now Shineth
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:04/28/2017 11:55 PMCopy HTML

God did not set man over the woman until after they had sinned.  This is punishment for sin.  But after the NT salvation, Jesus did away with this bondage and put down the high from HIS seat, and exalted, or lifted up high, those of low degree, meaning the WOMEN.
Why try to fight the freedom Jesus gave us?  Why try to hold the women still unforgiven?  If they are forgiven, then they are not still under the bondage.
Eve was Adam's helpmeet, not the other way around.  This word means to lead, protect, surround and aid.  This was taken away from him, because of his sin.  See where the world is now, because of this perverted situation?
Also know that the entire Church is a female?  A nation is called a woman.  this includes the males in the Church or nation as well as the females.  They are ONE, so how are you going to separate them and say that one rules over the other?  Can't be done.  Only in a perverted situation is this to apply.  Only under that old bondage of law, does this apply.  It is not God's way.  it is man's way.  (those churches had gone back to that bondage of law.)
Now don't go jumping to all kinds of false conclusions here.
This subject is much too deep to cover in a few posts.  It takes a lot of time and work to cover this.
Are you into this to learn truth or just to try and stop the daughters of God from teaching what God gives us?  You need to read Joel two and Acts two. 
Your sons and your DAUGHTERS shall prophecy.
what do you think prophecy is besides speaking God's word?

God had not intended to shut up the mouths of any of his children.  We are ALL called to minister the word of God.
EQUALITY is the only thing which is of God.  Let me tell you this, but I cannot explain it fully now.  I will get to it as you allow me to show you.
WOMAN, to God, is our flesh,  both the flesh of men and the flesh of females.
When a man does not have the truth, and is not speaking from God, it is a WOMAN teaching.  This is what is forbidden.
When a woman has the holy Ghost and the truth, it is not her speaking, but the Father speaking in her.  thus, it is not a woman teaching.  It is a man, Christ.
Oh, I do hope you can receive this.  You show an ability to teach and go into the things of God.  Do not allow men and this false notion of misinterpreting the Word of God, stop you.
God and the World, need every soul teaching the Word of God.  We have a man,  CHRIST, in our heart.  It is HE who teaches, if we say truth.
Men, who teach falsely, are the forbidden woman.  Every man I have ever heard was in this catogory.  They are women.  They are fleshly.  If they were of Christ, they would not forbid the daughters of God to teach, preach, or anything else in Christ.  Also, this limitation is only under the LAW.  We are not under the law.
It is only in the flesh or carnality, where MALE AND FEMALE are recognized.
So much to tell you.  but it will take time.
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:deliverance of the woman

Date Posted:04/29/2017 12:00 AMCopy HTML

The fact that the 'law' brought by Moses is that 'other' gospel paul told them to let be cursed.  This is a very great truth.  It should be put on all boards.  So many are still deceived by thinking they are under the law.
You know, this shows that the law was actually given be a man.  Paul said his gospel was from Jesus.  Grace and truth was from Jesus.  It should have been obvious all the time:  for Paul said they constantly placed themselves back under the law.  That was his battle with all the churches.  That is also why so many things in his writings seem to contradict others.  He is telling those back under the law how they must do if they go by the law.
Paul said if one preach some 'gospel' other than what he preached, let him be accursed.  Paul preached GRACE---NOT LAW.
You are right---LAW  is that other 'gospel'  which is not a gospel.
Glory to God for such a revelation.
That is why so many think women cannot preach and pastor:  they are looking at what Paul told them who put themselves back under the law.  It is the LAW.  He commended Phoebe as a great pastor.
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