Title: flesh is female | |
thetruelightnowshineth > Women > Women in Christ | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:04/29/2017 10:36 PMCopy HTML God laid this on my heart, to explain this to you.....but unless you have learned that the flesh is the female, to God and our Inner Man, the Spirit that God gives us when he fills us with the Holy Ghost, is the male, then you will not be able to see this and will forever be part of the horrible deception, which perverts the way of God from the twisted interpretation of man, which is largely responsible for the violence and sin on this earth. Until the woman, the daughters of God, are back where God first intended us to be, this world will forever be under violence and wickedness. God very much wants this evil to be made back right. But man twisted the entire word of God, DUE TO THEIR CARNAL MINDS. the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God for to him, it is foolishness. Therefore, almost everyone has fallen into this trap of satan. 1Tim 2: 1 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. Now I know that the carnal mind thinks this scripture is saying that women have no right and must be silent and never speak the revelation of God. But that is simply NOT TRUE. Why then would Paul highly recommend an female pastor, Phoebe. The spiritual mind knows that inside Adam was both male and female, in the very beginning. God took a rib and made a woman for a HELP MEET...means to lead and protect the man. But due to the carnal mind of Adam, he went another direction; forsaking the truth that the outer person is FEMALE TO GOD and the inner man , or spirit is the male. It is not a man and a woman. Both men and women have the outer female which is flesh. both men and women have the inner man, if they have the Holy Ghost. I have right now a person who tells me all kinds of 'stuff' but none of it is Scripture. They are just drumming it up in their own mind. it is a man...but he is speaking from his FLESH, SO IT IS FEMALE AND FORBIDDEN TO TEACH. See the carnal mind cannot get the truth, so they will come up with lies every time, no matter if it is a man or a woman.....so God forbids it. When one has the HG, man or woman, then that inner SPIRIT, THE CHRIST IN US, is to teach our outer person or flesh. We MUST, MUST, MUST get all our answers and beliefs FROM WRITTEN SCRIPTURE AND ONLY THAT. If you say stuff that is not written in Scripture, you are listening to your 'woman' or flesh. You must receive revelation of Scripture form the Father speaking in you....the male. When it said they will be saved by childbearing,,this does not refer to having a natural baby. that is carnal and natural interpreting, and is forbidden by God. it is speaking of our conceiving the son of God, in our hearts, by the HG and staying right with God till the end of life, so that we come out of the grave as a Son of God. the man must do this the same as the woman. IN CHRIST...THERE IS...NEITHER...NEITHER...MALE ...NOR ..FEMALE...IF YOU SEE MAN AND WOMAN; ONE CAN THE OTHER CAN'T...YOU ARE STRICTLY CARNAL MINDED AND CANNOT RECEIVE THE THINGS OF GOD. The only way anyone, man or woman, is going to be saved, is to bear this son of God, to God. You must keep that woman, your flesh, under subjection to that inner man, Christ, or end up lost. Now if you cannot see and accept this, you are not of God. You women can hid behind this error and think you have no obligation to the work of God, because you are a woman, but in the end, it will cost you your soul. Jo Smith ![]() |