The True Light Now Shineth
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Date Posted:10/23/2022 11:52 PMCopy HTML

Fun can be fun

By:  Jo Smith Oct 23.2020

Another day has come and gone

And I am still here all alone.

That thing called a phone

Is supposed to ring or so they say.

But it must be on delay

For it never has anything to say.

But on this page there is always some fun.

Just look out the window into the sun.

The rabbits have formed new habits.

The bugs are chasing the slugs.

They even run up under my rugs.

The hogs practice sitting on logs.

Now that is a new one for you!

The turtles decided they would practice this too.

One fell into a hole and up came a mole.

He decided to become a big troll.

And if you doubt that any of this is true

They will shut you up with glue.

A big rat was seen chasing a green cat.

The green cat fell into a bucket of fat.

Now they are both chasing a bat.

The worms are trying to hide from the birds.

They say it is hard to find the words

To say the horror that they feel

Knowing they will be the next meal.

Alas, I say, the fun I have here is very real.

The apples are trying to become figs

And the berries are dancing jigs.

They have been watching too much news

And think they can just become whatever they choose.

They are now pretending to be kids without any shoes.

It has become very crazy

And the sky is totally hazy.

The sun wants to be the moon

And the stars have come out too soon.

They are all in a race

To see who can do the most to erace

Anything that is left of a sound mind.

If anyone can now happen to find

One good day head it down my way.


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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM


Date Posted:10/24/2022 12:47 AMCopy HTML

Sequel to fun can be fun
By: Jo Smith…. Oct 23, 2020
When I was a little girl and in school
We lived by the golden rule.
We colored, painted and used GLUE.
We pasted pictures together with GLUE.
Later in life, they killed horses to make GLUE.
I never did think that was a nice thing to do.
Now I can see the error of such
And I will show you this much
For they have made too much glue.
Too much glue has driven some people insane.
Now, this is going down the wrong lane.
Now these paddies glue themselves to a road
I say right in the middle of that road
Along come cars and think they have landed on Mars.
These paddies have stuck fast to the path
And the cars cannot get home to take a bath.
Next, they glue themselves to cars and vans.
Now they have messed up everyone’s plans.
It is plain to see that these nuts are out to stir a pot
And hope everyone else has to rot.
Next, they throw glue, tomatoes and paint
Onto the most precious picture of a saint.
I am telling you, this ain’t
No way to deal with the faint.
Let’s leave them all stuck
Then they will never again bring bad luck.
They must desire to leave this world
In a falling whirl.
See. too much glue has caused them to see blue
When it is really black and shows that they lack
The good sense needed to live in a civilized world.
They must turn it into a MadWorld.

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