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Date Posted:11/10/2019 3:37 PMCopy HTML

Correct some lies

Since this subject is almost 100% misunderstood, and mis-taught, I will keep posting the truth about it. Perhaps, one day, at least one person can learn this truth. This is an answer to a question at Yahoo. where I do a lot of work: it is concerning, the difference in God the father and holy spirit:

 OK. you want the right direction...? Here goes...but it is almost 100% certain that it will be rejected. but here is the truth:

There is no such words in Scripture as, 'god the holy spirit'. there is no such words as 'god the son'. So, these are FALSE IDEAS.

God is no trinity of persons. No scripture says such stuff. It is made up lies.

Mary was NOT IMPREGNATED BY anyone. No Holy Spirit, and no God impregnated Mary. This is also made up lies.

Mary's child, Jesus, was NOT conceived by someone or something impregnating Her. she was not 'impregnated' as we understand that word to mean.

God did NOT PUT SEED, SUCH AS a man does, into Mary's womb. Jesus was NOT part God and part human. it is lies of satan.

The Holy Ghost OVERSHADOWED Mary and she conceived. But this was NOT by the Holy Ghost or God, reaching into her womb, as a man does. No such thing happened.

The power of God caused her to have a child, which was 100% human. he was not part god. Incarnate god is not once in Scripture. It is LIES OF SATAN.

I am sure your 'school' will not accept these truths, and probably neither will you. But it is the truth. You can do all the searching in this world, in Scripture and you will NEVER FIND THOSE WORDS. They are not there, so it is NOT GOD'S WORD.

If it is not God's word, it has to be satan's word.

God is the Father; The Father is a full kingdom. God is a spirit. God is not a man. all of these words are in scripture. God is a kingdom, made up of MANY MEMBERS, just as Christ is a kingdom, made up of many members.

the members, which make up the one BODY OF GOD, or the Father,, are innumerable.

God sent his spirit to earth. Jesus sent his spirit to earth, after he ascended to heaven and God set Jesus on the throne of God. Heb 1.

This spirit of god, at work on earth is the Holy Ghost.

God beget his son, his only begotten son, in the heart of the man, Jesus, when he gave Jesus the Holy ghost, at his baptism. At his resurrection, this Son of God was BORN. ROMAN 1:4.

The only begotten Son of God, was the new man, or the infilling of the Holy Ghost, within Jesus. It is spiritual birth; God is a spirit, and he begets spiritually. It did not happen in Mary's womb. It happened in the heart of Jesus.

Mary did not give birth to Emmanuel. Jesus did. This is a great mystery which very few people will ever know, for the believe the lies of satan/man.

The resurrected Christ, or Jesus, is the fulfillment of Isa 9:6. It is total error to say that this was fulfilled when Mary had her baby. No such thing. No government was EVER on the shoulders of her child. Check it out and see, Jesus was NEVER involved in any government. 

The CHILD who was given to us, is THE RESURRECTED CHRIST, Rom. 1:4 and Acts 13. Satan has shot this entire world a bunch of lies, and the entire Laodicean church is now filled with these lies, and is said to be, naked, blind, lukewarm, wretched, poor and don't know it. So where is it headed? Not up. out. God said, I will spew you out of my mouth.

 Why? teaching all these lies of an incarnate god, the biggest idol on earth.The resurrected Christ, or Jesus, is the fulfillment of Isa 9:6. It is total error to say that this was fulfilled when Mary had her baby. No such thing. No government was EVER on the shoulders of her child. Check it out and see, Jesus was NEVER involved in any government.

 The CHILD who was given to us, is THE RESURRECTED CHRIST, Rom. 1:4 and Acts 13. Satan has shot this entire world a bunch of lies, and the entire Laodicean church is now filled with these lies, and is said to be, naked, blind, lukewarm, wretched, poor and don't know it. So where is it headed? Not up. out. God said, I will spew you out of my mouth. Why? teaching all these lies of an incarnate god, the biggest idol on earth.

By:  Jo Smith

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