The True Light Now Shineth
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thetruelightnowshineth > Testimony > my testimonies Go to subcategory:
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:04/19/2016 1:02 AMCopy HTML

I want to tell you about an experience I had with God, a good many years ago. I had a picture of a certain 'preacher' with a certain light about him, which he and others were trying to convince us that it was a supernatural light proving this man was a god.
he told people i am the only god you will ever see. [i say only satan makes such claims; Jesus did not]

early one morning, before I rose, God spoke to me and said, I want you to go burn that picture. I KNEW it was God so I rose to go do it.
It was a cold morning; misting rain; but still in my night clothes I went out to burn the thing.
I took a full book of matches; laid the thing on top of a metal trash can. I stuck the first match, held it to the picture; nothing happened. the match went out.
so I tried another one....and another one...and was down to the last match in the book.
I was by now, kind of upset. I stopped and prayed to God... I said, God if that was you who told me to burn this IDOL, let this last match burn it.
I struck the match; held it to the picture and away it went; into the nothingness that it belonged to.

Praise God for leading me all the way, away from all idols. Then at his word, I took all my 'books', tapes, and all such man-made lying materials out and burned them.
Never looked back;
never regretted this, because when I put all idols out of my life and turned only to God, He began leading me and teaching me His truth. The more truth He taught me, the more I saw that every single thing I had ever been taught and believed was ALL WRONG.

the TRUTH has set me FREE.
Jo Smith.

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