The True Light Now Shineth
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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:08/19/2019 9:26 PMCopy HTML

First, let me say, In Christ there is NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE. SO THOSE in Christ, or Grace, do not need this, for it is of the law system. we are not of the law system. Where did the law system come from? Now that is the answer to all questions.

It c
ame from Adam. He is the one who disobeyed God, and gave up grace for Law, so HE could be set up as a god, to rule over others and be worshiped. (beginning of Anti-Christ).

Now the reason no one that I have ever seen or heard, really has this right, is because they did not study out what HELP MEET really means. or what the FOR means here, she was made FOR HIM.

They just 'assume' that they 'know' what these words mean. Not so. I have never heard anyone bring out the truth of this. Strongs original Hebrew tells us that Help and Meet have the very same meaning , thus doubling it. which means that God has proven it to be the truth. = two witnesses.

Now Adam had already sinned BEFORE Eve was made, Oh I know, people do not wish to hear this truth, but it is the true revelation of God's word. If anyone wishes to read the full messages, proving this, I can give you the links to my messages. (No one ever takes me up when I say this, guess they do not care to prove it).

It is simply too much for me to write here, but I have it solidly proven in my messages. Adam is the anointed covering or cherub, of Eze 28. He had sinned by becoming proud, and lifting himself up above all others, including God. He had said, I am God. I sit in the seat of God. But God told him, you are just a man, and I will cast you out of Eden because of your wickedness. THIS COULD ONLY BE ADAM.

So Adam was already a sinner before Eve was made. So what was her purpose? Help Meet MEANS TO AID, PROTECT, SUCCOR, AND LEAD.
Look it up in Strongs, This is the meaning.

Look up serpent. Look up Adam. they both mean a wicked, hypocrite MAN. this was ADAM.

Eve was made to lead Adam back to God, to protect him and nurture him, spiritually.

But Adam wanted nothing to do with righteousness, so he deceived her into partaking of LAW ALSO. (animal sacrifices, which God has always HATED.)

Eve repented and turned back to God. adam never did. Adam is satan, the old serpent. Eve is the righteous one. Her seed is Jesus Christ, so how could she be wicked?

We will all be ONE only when we are baptized into the body of Christ, thus coming back to the original EQUALITY which God made.

Man was NOT MADE TO RULE OVER WOMEN. that was PUNISHMENT for their sin. It is perversion of Gods way on earth. So the 'rule' in 1Cr 11 is only for those still back under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. the LAW. See, under this LAW, EVE WAS PUNISHED BY having Adam RULE over her.

So if one is still holding to that death tree, then the man still rules over her. to the spiritual DESTRUCTION to both.

But if the man and woman come into Christ, that LAW IS DROPPED FOR GRACE, OR EQUALITY.

Then we are ONE. As long as one rules over another, they are not ONE, and the one being ruled over is in bondage.
Jesus Christ broke the bondage and told men to break every yoke....but they REFUSE, using the scripture which deals with LAW TO BACK IT UP.

They cannot see/hear, grace. GRACE IS EQUALITY. Equality is being ONE. means on equal grounds and in total harmony.

A MAN RULING over his wife, could not possibly be HARMONY. He is holding her in bondage, forbidding her to even teach the word of God, as we are ALL CALLED TO DO.

They must come into a full UNITY for this to be fulfilled, that they are back as ONE. Then they will no longer see gender, or LAW. He will no longer wish to rule over her or anyone.

If he rules over her, she is a bondwoman. servant. so how could they be ONE? NO WAY.
Men who forbid a woman from preaching or teaching, and wish to rule over her, are servants of SATAN = LAW bondage.= division. tearing down the work of Jesus to bring us back into ONENESS WITH EACH OTHER AND WITH GOD.

In Christ there is neither male nor female. The ones who see male/female, are NOT IN CHRIST. so are lost.

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