Title: save Eve's seed | |
thetruelightnowshineth > Eve/mother of all living > About Eve | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:03/27/2019 5:59 PMCopy HTML save Eve’s Seed read Ruth 3 and 4. I think this is showing the marriage between Noah and Eve....and has a lot to do with why. I had shut down then read all of this and came back on...for I think this is showing what happened between Noah and Eve. I see it more clearly now. came back on to show you this. that PROMISE was to EVE that HER seed would bruise the head of that old serpent. when she had Seth, she said, God has given me ANOTHER seed, in place of Abel, whom Cain slew. Now, a flood is coming that will wipe out all HER SEED. Now she is the only person left in existence that God made with his very hands. this is a special thing that no one else can EVER FULFILL. So in order for that PROMISE to be fulfilled, that it will be HER SEED that does this DELIVERANCE, she must produce another SEED FROM HER OWN BODY. Adam is dead. all the others are fixing to die except NOAH. Noah alone cannot produce another SEED OF EVE...not even with another woman. they both know this. God just gave me this. I KNOW HE DID. and it is right.... see, Psalm 142, (and this is what put me onto this). .. she said, 'I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would KNOW ME. this knowing means to bring forth children.. it is the way....refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.......see, she was looking to save that SEED OF HERS, AND FOUND NO MAN TO DO HIS PART. It is the same thing that went on with Ruth and Boaz. ...but Noah knew these things also...so he, as did Boaz, was willing to take Eve for a wife and raise up that SEED OF HERS THAT WAS NEEDED TO SAVE THIS WORLD. I am telling you, this is too glorious for words. a revelation that only God himself could have revealed to me or anyone else, for that matter. .. Gen 5, says, This is the Book of the Generations of Adam. this continues till Mat. 1....then it says this is the Book of the generations of Christ.....now this Christ is the SEED OF THIS WOMAN.....SO EVE HAD TO PRODUCE ANOTHER LINE OF ...HER SEED....TO GET TO THIS CHRIST........hope some of you can see this glorious revelation. something else that God just showed me....this thing was so important to that old people, that Lots two daughters got him drunk and went with their own father to SAVE SEED FROM THEIR FATHER.. now that helps prove the importance of saving the right SEED. what did she mean, refuge failed me? what refuge did she mean? she is speaking of finding someone who could help her produce another line of HER SEED. When Eve looked on her RIGHT hand, to find a man who would know her so she could produce another promised SEED to save this world, it means she looked for a person who served the true God. Right hand shows the SHEEP or folks of God. Left hand shows satan's folks. So she was desperately looking for another SEED, who could and would save this world from destruction. She found this man in Noah. great revelation....but fools hate knowledge, so said God. I have often wondered why Noah waited so long to have children...if he did...perhaps he had some that we are not told about....but don't know for never found it in Scripture..but was thinking, just me here,,,perhaps he was waiting for Eve to be released out of her prison.I have often wondered why Noah waited so long to have children...if he did...perhaps he had some that we are not told about....but don't know for never found it in Scripture..but was thinking, just me here,,,perhaps he was waiting for Eve to be released out of her prison. Lot's daughters were DESPERATE to save seed of their Father, for they knew all the rest were dead. they took drastic action to save this seed. the carnal minded try to look at what they did as sin....but God did not see it this way....they were into saving a certain seed line. This is the very thing Eve was the most concerned with...saving and getting to that promised SEED that would bruise the head of that wicked serpent and save this world. She is the most precious one and yet she is hated and slandered by the IGNORANT all the time. She suffered so much and cried out to God continuously for deliverance. She was more concerned with saving this Seed line than her own life. ![]() |