The glory
When life’s work is done and we see the setting sun
It is a joy to know that it was well done.
We have lived for God and done a good job.
We have overcome those who came to rob
Trials came and went; it was time well spent.
God showed us the way and in His path we will stay.
Let there never be a day we did not do things his way.
It was most glorious to be in God’s tent.
Loved ones who have gone before us, wait.
There will be much shouting when we arrive at that gate.
Praising our Lord will be heard throughout the universe.
Never again will we see a hearse.
Sorrow, grief and crying will be a thing of the past.
We will have obtained eternal joy that will forever last.
I hope to hear Him say, well done faithful servant.
You have over sin been triumphant.
Never again will we have a broken heart.
We will never again see loved ones depart.
Children we did not get to see grow up now play
In an endless and joyful eternal day.
So weep not for me when my light goes out.
Instead, sing and praise God with a joyful shout.
She made it, she made it. Let the heavens ring
And the earth rejoice and sing.
Praise God for the voice that I heard saying repent
Never again in sin waste your life.
Serving God is the greatest thing
And in Him we will have no more trouble and strife.
By: Jo Smith ~~ September 17, 2023