The True Light Now Shineth
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Date Posted:10/19/2015 11:51 PMCopy HTML

~~ The Woman at the Well ~~

John 4:3-42-

On the surface this Scripture seems to be only a simple discourse between Jesus and a woman; but the Spirit reveals some very deep truths here.

Jesus being wearied sat on the well. A woman of Samaria came to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

Now, what makes this out of the ordinary is this: first, the woman was a Samaritan; the Jews had no dealings with Samaritans; also Jesus being a man, should not have talked with this adulterous woman.

So, why would he ask her to give him a drink?

She asked him why he was asking her for a drink; she knew this was very out of the ordinary.

Now, for those who claim that Jesus will not give his word to women, I want to ask you-does that only count now-or is it supposed to be true when He was on earth?

For the very reason Jesus asked her for a drink of water was to get this conversation going so he could give this woman some very special Word.

Jesus is leading her into receiving the revelation of who he is. This is the first time Jesus gave this revelation to anyone.

v10-Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

Then he reveals to her that his ‘water’ will keep her from thirsting again; he gave her the revelation that this will spring up into everlasting life. This was new revelation to anyone.

She asked for his water. Then, Jesus said Go call thy husband, and come hither.

Why did he say this? For, it is revealed that he was going by the law; that he could not teach her; she had to have her husband present. BUT, watch him change that.

She confessed that she had no husband. Then Jesus told her of her five husbands and now living with one who was not her husband. So, he knew the truth of her. She then engages in a Spiritual conversation with him. She said I perceive that you are a prophet.

Then she goes to the age old question of who, how and where to worship. She said our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say that in Jerusalem is the PLACE where MEN ought to worship.

See, they did not let women into their place of worship; it was just men. That is Jewish law. This woman is Samaritan--she wants to worship God, but she feels cut off.

Now, in verse 23, Jesus gives this adulterous, Samaritan woman a great revelation (he gave her his Word). He showed her that at this very moment, He is changing that style of worship. He revealed to this woman, something no one else knew at this time. He changed the thing of having to worship at Jerusalem. V21-Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. See, he said When YE shall not worship this way; Talking to her. . A woman.

V23-He reveals to her that the true worshippers worship the Father in spirit and in truth; and the fact that the Father is seeking such worshippers.

V24-Now, Jesus does something new-He revealed God to this woman. He said-God is a Spirit- something others did not know. Most still do not know this.

Jesus gave this Word, this message to this woman. Is this not a true message? Is it not true Word of God? Then why did Jesus give it to this woman? Men, get hold of this-don’t be guilty of fighting against Jesus.

V25-She brings up the question of who the Messiahs is.

V26-Now, Jesus gives this woman another revelation: this time he gives her the revelation of who he is. This is the first time Jesus has revealed this to anyone. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

When Pilate and other men questioned him on this; he did not answer them. Why did he give this revelation to this woman? He was bringing in the NT way of doing things. He was giving his word, his revelation to women. He was lifting up the low.

Then, his disciples came back and marveled that he talked with the woman; but they did not dare ask about it. They could not interfere with what Jesus was doing here.

V28--The woman then left her water pot (signifying she left the OT bondage-having to draw water each day-never being satisfied with the sacrifices of the O.-always thirsting)-

But look at what she did then-

She went her way into the city, and told the MEN. Yes! She went and testified, or gave those men the Word, which Jesus had given her. Strange, isn’t it? Did Jesus know she was going to go and do this? Yes, indeed, he did. Why did he not stop her, seeing it is supposed to be wrong?

The disciples tried to get him to eat. He said, I have meat to eat that ye (men) know not of.

Their minds went to natural food; for they were carnal minded.

V34-Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

So, he is doing God’s will- then if it is not God’s will for Him to give His Word to a woman, why did he do it? Was he disobeying God? No! He said he had to FINISH GOD’S WORK.

So what is that? He is going to bring in women into the work of God. The men were already there; so this is something Jesus has to yet do--to finish the work. The work was to bring us all into one body; to bring us all into harmony; to bring us into the statue of A PERFECT MAN. This perfect man is all the Christians (men and women) in perfect unity. The BRIDE OF CHRIST consists of both MEN AND WOMEN. Are you men ‘female’ to Christ? You bet you are. By the same token, we women are sons of God.

See, Jesus did not stop talking to this woman when she showed that she had no husband to come and be present; Jesus gave HER the revelation of both God and the Messiahs (himself). This is before Peter received His revelation. Jesus showed that He could talk to this woman without a man being there to receive the Words. People, don’t blind yourself to this.

Now, look at v39-Many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him FOR THE SAYING OF THE WOMAN, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.

Now, that is pretty clear that this woman went into the city and testified (same as preached) to the MEN of that city; and as a result, many of them turned to Jesus. Did Jesus rebuke her for this? Certainly not. Why not? Did he refuse those she converted to him? Of course not.

V41-And many more believed because of his own word;

But, she was instrumental in wining these also; for it was she that brought them to Jesus with her words. WORDS SHE RECEIVED FROM THE MOUTH OF JESUS.

As Jeremiah said, Women let your ear hear the words of His mouth.

Glory to our wonderful God. Ladies, don’t let men cheat you of this blessing. Men, don’t stand and fight against what Jesus did. He changed it right there. He changed the place, the how, the way they were to worship and receive the Word. He showed her that women would be the true worshippers-v21-when YE shall not do it in these places-YE shall do it in spirit and truth.

Now, here is another instance of Jesus praising a woman for seeking the Spiritual instead of the natural.

For those of you who say the kitchen and house is the ‘woman’s place’ read on.

Luke 10:38-42-

Jesus went into Martha’s house.

V39-And she had a sister called Mary, WHICH ALSO SAT AT JESUS’ FEET, AND HEARD HIS WORD.

Now, let someone deny this: Mary (a woman) is sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to Him teach; she is receiving His word. Why does he not stop her, if he does not give his word to women?

Read on--

v40-But Martha was cumbered about much serving, (the very thing men always say is the woman’s PLACE)-

And came to him and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.

See, Martha was one of those who accepted this thing that she had to be in the kitchen when the Word is being taught.

She thought that Jesus would see it this way, too.

After all, she is fixing HIM food. Now, I ask you, IF this is the woman’s place; IF women are to ‘serve’ and not ‘sit at His feet, listening and learning from Him the Word, WHY, WHY, WHY did he not take this opportunity to correct this mistake right here? Why did he not tell us and Mary that she should be in the kitchen helping her sister? He is supposed to teach us truth; then why did he not tell us right here that the woman’s PLACE is serving?

But what did Jesus say to her?

Read on-

V41-And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:

V42-BUT ONE THING is needful; and MARY hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.


I have also chosen that GOOD PART. I choose to listen to His Word and learn from his mouth. From the mouth of Jesus himself- refuting the thought that serving in the kitchen is woman’s PLACE. That this is the good part. No!

What did Jesus say was the GOOD PART?

Women listening to and learning the Word; not caring about the other; the serving- the natural things.

Isn’t this completely opposite of what men tell us our place is? Women listen to Jesus; he is your Savour; not these men telling you your place is in the ‘house’. (With your mouth shut)

Your place is at the feet of Jesus; he said this is the good part; if you choose this, it will not be taken away from you. I have always chosen this good part; you men can not take it away from me.

Now, read where Jesus ate at Simon's house: John 12-,Mark 14 &Matt. 26-Here Martha served again: but Mary did something out of the ordinary-she brought expensive ointment and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair:

The men there were indignant, as most men would be today; they rebuked her for this- (after all, she should have been serving with her sister, Martha)-but here she is kissing Jesus' feet! They were indignant!

But Jesus rebuked THEM. He said that this would be told of her forever; she had a revelation of his soon coming death; Jesus said she had come to anoint his body for burial. Did any of the rest of them (men) know he was fixing to be buried? No. But Mary knew. Jesus said this is what she did.

Once again, Jesus takes up for Mary; not Martha. He verifies that Mary is the one doing something for him; something Spiritual. He said this would be told for a memorial of her. Do any of you know of another place in the Word, where this is said of anyone? A poor WOMAN who had a revelation of the NT. way of giving. She gave all she had; Jesus praised her for this.

All of this glory for women happened BEFORE the resurrection.

Then there is the woman taken by men to Jesus to be stoned for adultery (notice that they did not take the man; yet they said they had caught her in the very act; proving they had to have caught the man, too; the law said to stone them both).

Jesus went along with their method of the law; he said, he that is without sin, cast the first stone at her. When no one could do it, Jesus went to the NT. way of doing things = Grace. He forgave her, did not condemn her and told her to do it no more. See he took it away from the law of stoning. He gave her grace.

See, how women were all used to bring in Grace?

I am not against men. I just want you to see that you men are bringing women into bondage that Jesus set us free from. You are cheating God out of the praise, glory, and souls being brought into His kingdom which women could and would do, if given their freedom.

If this is not enough to convince even the hardest heart, it is because you are seeing the LAW in the Word instead of seeing Grace and that blinds you. You are under the LAW; therefore, you are not the children of God.

By: Jo Smith

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