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Date Posted:12/05/2019 6:10 PMCopy HTML

Genesis 3: 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

God is talking to me today about this tree.
here are the charactics of this tree of knowledge of good and evil:
1. the tree was good for FOOD:
[what revolves around good food? YOUR HOLIDAYS.
when she saw that it was good for FOOD she took of the fruit and ate.
your HOLIDAYS are this FRUIT.

2. pleasant to the eyes:

sure, you love the carnal beauty of these holiday decorations. You are eating fruit of that death tree.....

a mixture: you say, 'it is birthday of Jesus'....thus you use His name TO try and justify your love for the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

3. a tree to make one wise:
they say, we are the EDUCATED ones.... 'you fools' refuse the holidays.

I was told by my own daughter that she would not raise her children without xmess as I did mine.

so be it. I taught mine the TRUTH...THE TREE OF LIFE.

Jo Smith...not ashamed of the truth. the Tree of Life.

Genesis 3: 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

God is talking to me today about this tree.
here are the charactics of this tree of knowledge of good and evil:
1. the tree was good for FOOD:
[what revolves around good food? YOUR HOLIDAYS.
when she saw that it was good for FOOD she took of the fruit and ate.
your HOLIDAYS are this FRUIT.

2. pleasant to the eyes:

sure, you love the carnal beauty of these holiday decorations. You are eating fruit of that death tree.....

a mixture: you say, 'it is birthday of Jesus'....thus you use His name TO try and justify your love for the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

3. a tree to make one wise:
they say, we are the EDUCATED ones.... 'you fools' refuse the holidays.

I was told by my own daughter that she would not raise her children without xmess as I did mine.

so be it. I taught mine the TRUTH...THE TREE OF LIFE.

Jo Smith...not ashamed of the truth. the Tree of Life.

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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:tree in the midst

Date Posted:12/05/2019 7:25 PMCopy HTML

Tree of knowledge of good AND EVIL.
A mixture of truth and error.
God hates this mixture.
It all began other side of flood, as Adam instigated holidays for his own worship.

So, anyone with even a tiny grain of sense could see through this.... how can the many lies about a santa, bringing toys to kids and flying reindeer, etc. even come close to mixing with the True Jesus Christ?
A horrible mixture.

God's word clearly shows us to avoid this evil. Yet it has in its grip all churched folks.

it has in its grip all the worldly folks. But God hates it and will destroy all who try to mix this evil with his Son, Jesus Christ.

You best drop one or the other. either cling to the truth and good tree or go all out for the evil. stop lying and pretending this evil is of God.

Stop pretending to be a Christian and yet you spend your life bowing to these devil-worship . lying holidays.

Then they claim, I am a christian, been washed in the blood of Jesus yet I am still a sinner, sinning every day.
Another big lie, a mixture that god hates.

You hate truth so much you will not even read these true messages, yet you claim to be on your way to heaven.

This is a mixture that God will not overlook. You have heard the truth enough and refuse to repent of this your love for the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.... so God will not accept you into his Kingdom. No evil can go there

when you mix a little LEVEN in with the dough, it levens the entire lump.
a little evil makes the entire thing EVIL. that is where you all are with your love for holidays..... not one Word of God mentions to do any of this mess.

so hate me all you wish.....I am one of the very very FEW TELLING YOU ANY TRUTH.

Jo Smith.

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