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Date Posted:01/26/2015 10:50 PMCopy HTML

Jesus said there were two women in the field. He said the ‘field’ was the world. So, these two women are in the world together from Gen. 1- Rev. But who are they?

From our studies in Lamentations, we are learning who they are. They are the OT (law) covenant = the Old T. Israelites, the first whorish wife of God. The other woman is the NT (Grace) Covenant = the New T. true Church, wife of Jesus.

This whorish woman continues all the way to the end of the world. She did not cease to exist just because God put her into darkness; the dust or night; no, she continued right on down, hiding in secret along with the true woman. She pretends to be the true wife of God; she says, (Isa. 47:8)---I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children:

So, this whorish, ‘woman’, the law, says I am still the wife of God; I am the first and I am the last; I am not a widow; he did not put me away. So, she deceives most of the whole world into thinking she is still the ONE.

Now v.9---But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.

v10---This shows she had wisdom and knowledge which perverted her; she was wicked; she said I am and none else beside me.

Now, this is the OT law. She says no one can be saved unless they ‘keep me’.

Now, what day was this speaking of that her loss would be in? It is the Day of Pentecost. This is the day she was rejected and went into widowhood. This was the day she had the ‘loss’ of children; when her children went into captivity to the New Woman = the Church.

Now for proof: v11---....desolation shall come upon thee suddenly--- now is not this the one Jesus said to, ‘your house is left unto you desolate?’ Yes, this is her identification.

Read the rest of this chapter: it will show you this is the mystery Babylon spoken of in Revelation--- which said fire would burn her and her merchants would wander everyone to his quarter; none shall save thee.

She is the one who did as v12 & 13 says---played with sorceries, and all such idols. She was the one in ‘merchandising’. Jesus showed this just before his end, when he went into the temple and cast out the money-changers; for they were doing ‘merchandising’ in the house of the Lord. Jesus forbade this.

If you will study this Isaiah 47 along with that instance of Jesus saying they would be left desolate and their merchandizing in the house of the Lord, you can see clearly that this is the whorish woman, Babylon; it is the OT wife of God. Clear as crystal!!!

WHAT is her TRADE MARK?????     You guessed it!

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS!! Sure as anything!


Look at this:

Rev. 12: 1--And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

Enter woman # two!!!

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  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Re:two women, part one

Date Posted:01/26/2015 10:53 PMCopy HTML

part two:

Since our study on the Fall of the OT will be so long, and this is very much a part of that message, I am doing this in a new thread; so the thread will not get to be so long. I know most of us do not like to have to scroll down so far to read the messages; and besides, this is really another topic; even though they are the same things.

Now, go back to Joel 2 :30--And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

See, that the ‘wonders’ are a sign of the Baptism of Fire; which will come to the true servants of God.

Now, back to Rev. 12: 1--he said there was a great wonder in heaven--- see that this is the same as Joel 2?

So, this ‘woman’ clothed with the sun is one of these ‘wonders’. So, she has to be the true wife, the bride of Christ. For she is identified as having the Baptism of Fire by being one of these ‘wonders’.

Now, look at her identification: she was clothed with the sun---- what are her ‘clothes’? Righteousness!

Jesus said by one Spirit are we all Baptized into one body--- when you are baptized into Christ, he said you ‘put Christ ON’. So, Christ is this sun which is her clothes--- or what she had put on.

This woman is clothed with the glory of Jesus; this is her clothes = the sun. But what did she have under her feet? Go back to Lam. 1:15--The Lord hath trodden under FOOT all my mighty men in the midst of me: he hath called an ASSEMBLY against me to CRUSH my young men: the Lord hath trodden the virgin, the daughter of Judah, as in a winepress.

Remember in Gen. 1:16--God made two great lights; the lesser light to rule the NIGHT; the greater light to rule the DAY.

The night is ‘darkness’; this is ruled by the MOON. This is the LAW. This is why it always said, the evening and the morning were such and such a day;--- for the DARK time precedes light. So, the law was FIRST.

The Sun rules the Day= this is Jesus= this is Grace. So, this woman is clothed with Jesus = Grace = light. Then this woman is the one trampling the MOON (the law) under her feet. The Lord is doing this by this woman.

Now, more identification: she has on her head a crown of twelve STARS. What is this? The Stars are the ministers of God. So these twelve are the twelve apostles of the Lamb. They are her head = her wisdom = her ‘crown’. She is marked in the forehead with this mark of God.

Now, look at what she is doing next--- she is travailing in birth to bear a manchild who is to rule all nations. Now we know that this is one of the promises to the overcomers in the church = to rule the nations.

So, this woman is giving birth to these overcomers. Remember that Paul said I travail in birth till Christ be formed in you? This is this woman in travail = the true church birthing children to God.

Rev. 12:3--Another ‘wonder’ in heaven: the great red dragon---- what is his description? He had seven ’heads’--- these are the seven churches; (remember, under the sixth seal, they cried to the rocks and mountains to cover them?)---Rev. 17:9--The seven ’heads’ are seven MOUNTAINS.

So these seven ’heads’ are these seven ’mountains’ or seven churches. But, that is not all--- the dragon also had 10 horns!!! Now, what are these 10 horns? They are the 10 commandments = the old law!!

Oh yes!! That is the answer. For sure! Look at Rev. 17:12--The ten horn are ten kings (rulers) which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

Now, You might think these 10 commandments had a ’kingdom’ back in Moses time: but, no. They were never established as a kingdom. They were never a kingdom--- they were only a part of ancient Israel’s worship. Remember how they kept asking Jesus when he would establish the kingdom--he never did intend to establish this kind of kingdom. That is why he never did answer them except to say no. He would never establish a law kingdom. He will establish a Grace kingdom.

But, see the ‘beast’ sets up these commandments with power to rule with him. Jesus said we would not ‘rule’ over each other. He said the Gentiles exercise ‘lordship’ or rulership over each other; but he said, with you it shall not be so. With you, who? The ones in grace.

Daniel said in the days of these 10 kings, God would set up a kingdom which shall never end. But, before that, he would brake into pieces those other kingdoms’ = the gold, the silver, the brass, the iron and the clay = which were on those 10 toes = those 10 commandments ruling as kings one hour with this beast ‘image’.

Now, back to Rev. 12---What was this seven-headed dragon with the 10 horns doing? He was standing before this true woman (Church) waiting for her ‘child’ to be born, so he could ‘devour’ it.

Now, what happens every time someone comes to Christ? Some old ‘beast, dragon minded’ someone, comes along and starts pumping this babe in Christ with this: you gotta keep the seventh day Sabbath or be lost; you gotta keep those 10 commandments or be lost; you gotta go to church; you gotta support that ‘priest’; for you know, they were supported in the OT;  so they merged into this ‘church’ system and ‘hid’ there; pretending to be ‘church’;  for they knew God was no longer dealing with a ‘nation’ ; they knew the world knew this;  so they pretended to be a ‘church’  but it was that old levitical priesthood pretending to be Catholic priests;  (they only ‘changed’ the name; they are experts at ‘changing names to deceive with -- they changed Saturnalia to Christmas;  they changed Jesus to Yesouh or something of that nature.

They changed God to yah.

That old ‘high priest’ hid there as a ‘pope’. That old whore woman of the OT law came in and pretended to be the ‘church’ and deceived the whole world.  It was that old law hiding in disguise as a church.  That is why they deal so much in heathen, pagan, idols; for ancient Israel was always worshipping idols of the nations around them. They loved all those ‘lovers’.  They paid them as women perverted. God said so.

They were used to being kept up by the tithes and offerings of the people;  so they were not going to let all this easy living go, now that God was finished with them, and turned to a church--- no sir ree!  They just got right in there and pretended to be a church and that old levitical law thing just kept right on going in disguise.  I mean, just look at how many churches now scream you must keep the law.  See, that old thing is still in them. They just call themselves a ‘church’ to deceive with;  but inside they are still that old nation of Israel screaming  LAW.

They even boast at how fast they are growing and how many they are gaining every day.

They told the world, I am and none beside me. You must come to me and buy salvation or be lost. You must pay the priest to have forgiveness of sins; after all that is how we did it in olden days. You cannot get your sins forgiven except through this priest hood, they said. And the world fell for it. They were used to saying we are the ones of God;  we brought Christ into the World. you cannot serve God except through us.  And the world fell for it.

They said those old Christians are heretical. and the world believed them. They said that speaking in tongues is of the devil;  and the world believed them.  They said you can be saved through us as always, and the world believed them.  Now, they are in the millions; saying you must keep that law to be saved;  and the world fell for it.

Satan, the dragon, the beast, the Adam, the law, that old 7-headed church with those 10 commandments stabbing you,  deceived the whole word;  except for the few chosen of God, elect who stayed true to Jesus and Grace.  And he wants and intends to kill us.

Glory to God, millions have already given their lives rather than go back to that old whore, the law, the Catholic Church = the merger of the OT and the false church. It is really the old dead, cast away Israelite nation faking Christianity to deceive the whole world. They say God sees us not; they have always said that.



Glory to our precious Redeemer for this wonderful true Revelation of the merger between ancient, law Israel and the 'supposed to be Church'.


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