The True Light Now Shineth
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Date Posted:06/07/2015 5:14 PMCopy HTML

Now God had blessed all four men after the flood and told THEM to be fruitful and multiply, same as he told Adam. So Noah was bringing forth many more children and bringing them into his religion. This is what being a husbandman means. He was not growing natural grapes, anymore than Abel was tending natural, four-legged sheep.

 After Noah had a great ‘vineyard’, or many people again, whom they had brought up a religion, then Noah drank of their ‘wine’, or false doctrine. Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a vineyard. So this is a spiritual vineyard, not natural grapes or such.

 Most people think that the Word of God is laid in step-by-step chronological order, and that it all happened right then and there. But this is just not true.

These things many times, took long periods of years to happen. When you read it, it may sound like it was just a day or so. But it was not that way. God is only telling us the main events, not how long it took.

Wine represents the joy of the Holy Ghost and the doctrine. See the Wine of Mystery Babylon was her false teachings with which she seduced the world.

 Now this is the very wine upon which Noah was made ‘drunken’. It is spiritual drunkenness, not natural. He had gone right back to the law system which God hates. He had gone back to ruling over others, which God hates.

He had gone back to setting some up over others. He had gone back to stone altars, animal sacrifices, holidays, big fancy Worship temples and receiving pay for being their ‘lord’.

 How do I know? Because he was drunken with her wine. He was again naked in the sight of God. Everything with the Word keeps declaring that God hates what these rulers over God’s people do. Thus Noah became UNCOVERED, or naked, as did Adam when he transgressed. This solidly proves what God has already shown me -- that Noah backslid.

See that Noah was UNCOVERED in his ‘tent’. The tent means his life or his religion. The ‘tent’ shows the same thing as the Tabernacle which Moses built, for it (the OT covenant) dwelt under tents. So this is showing that Noah was under that OT Covenant of law. The thing of being uncovered or naked shows that he has now lost the glory of God, as did Adam. It shows that he has left Grace and chosen Law again.

 It is NOT speaking of being unclothed with cloth cloths, anymore that it means Adam had no natural cloths on. It means they had become subtle and wicked. Noah and allowed his ‘plants’ or people to lead him astray.

 Mostly it was Ham who had led Noah away. This is what it means that he had drunk of the ‘wine’ of his ‘vineyard’. This is spiritual speech as it is throughout the Word of God. (Hurt not the WINE AND OIL.) See?

Remember the wine of Babylon had led the world astray? It is this same wine. They were ‘drunken’ with the cares of this life. Read the Word as Spiritual, or you will come up with carnal junk.

Now what about Ham? He ‘SAW’ the nakedness of his father. He accepted this evil ‘wine’ of false doctrine. ‘SEEING’ it is the same meaning as ‘EATING’ it.

It means to take it into oneself and accept it. So Ham realized that Noah was now away from God and into Adam or man worship. Then he attempts to bring his two brothers into this same false religion.

 He tells them about the ‘nakedness’ or lies of Satan. But see that Shem and Japheth refused this false religion.

They did the same thing Abel did: they converted Noah back to God and righteousness. God has given me the revelation and proof of how this happened. All of the Word reveals other things in the Word. So by seeing this, which Shem and Japheth did, It proves what I said that Abel did. Abel converted his Mother, Eve, back to righteousness and Grace.

 Shem and Japheth refused to ‘look’ at Noah’s nakedness, or in other words, they refused to consider this false, law religion of animal sacrifices. They ‘saw’ it not. They would not ‘eat’ of this tree of death. Not only did they refuse this false religion, but they converted Noah back to grace, or the tree of life. This is what it means that they kept their faces ’backward’ to this nakedness, or false religion, and they COVERED their Father. This was the right covering. It is the New Covenant of grace, by the blood of Jesus. They brought Noah out from under the delusion he fell into after the flood = that of animal sacrifices for sins. GLORY !!

They brought Noah back to grace. They covered his nakedness. They brought Noah back to God. THAT IS WHY NOAH’S RIGHTEOUSNESS IS MENTIONED IN THE NT.

See it said Noah AWOKE FROM HIS WINE. This means that Noah saw through the lie. He awoke to righteousness as Paul told us to do. Awake to righteousness and SIN NOT. Noah came back to his right mind, that of grace. He repented and was brought back into fellowship with God. His sons did this for him....same as Abel did for Eve. Proves what God showed me about that. Now Noah realizes what Ham had done to him.....= led him into law or false religion. This proves that Ham was instrumental in luring Noah back into Adam-type worship. See, this has been hidden or lost to the world. Ham led Noah into this sin.

So it brought the CURSE upon Ham. This means he was cut off from God. So was his son. This proves that Adam and Cain were cursed by God. Law is the curse. So to be under law is to be under the curse. Paul said if you go back to law, you are under the curse and fall from Grace.

 Then Christ is of no effect to you. So Ham and his sons fell under this curse, for they refused to return to Grace. They loved idols and all that goes with the law religion.

By:  Jo Smith
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