The True Light Now Shineth
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thetruelightnowshineth > Adam/Satan > Adam/satan Go to subcategory:
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/15/2008 6:10 PM

Date Posted:09/02/2015 8:32 PMCopy HTML

thy 'husband' shall RULE over you. Is God saying I want Adam to rule over Eve? Not at all. Yet this is how they have slaughtered God's word and taught the world LIES. 'Your DESIRE shall be to your HUSBAND'. and 'they' claim it proves that Eve had sex, or a desire for sex with someone other than her husband. Liars the are.
And you listen to their lies and spread the lies all around. Makes you just as guilty.
so what?
You are 'married' to what you desire. that is your 'husband'. The word of God says, you are either 'married' to the LAW, or dead to the law, and MARRIED TO CHRIST. See? It is totally SPIRITUAL AND NOT CARNAL.

So............ the thing that is ruling over you...or the things you desire, you are 'married' to.
Are you married to a whore? = church = woman in the field.?
Are you a whore?......... = worshiping someone or thing OTHER THAN THE TRUE GOD.

See, you are so far off truth, you cannot even begin to understand this or wish to see through it.
I know people, personally, who will spend hours, days, nights, reading man-made up stories;books. or watching some movie....yet these same people NEVER READ OR STUDY GOD'S WORD...yet they claim to be on their way to heaven. deceived they are............they are MARRIED to the thing they DESIRE, WHICH IS NOT GOD OR HIS WORD.

you think anyone wants these kinds of true messages, which can save your soul? Not at all. but let Joyce myers, or harlot white say a thing and the world rolls on the floor in them millions of dollars to DECEIVE THEM.

yep, this jo smith again...........warring with satan.

thy 'husband' shall RULE over you. Is God saying I want Adam to rule over Eve? Not at all. Yet this is how they have slaughtered God's word and taught the world LIES. 'Your DESIRE shall be to your HUSBAND'. and 'they' claim it proves that Eve had sex, or a desire for sex with someone other than her husband. Liars the are.

And you listen to their lies and spread the lies all around. Makes you just as guilty.
so what?
You are 'married' to what you desire. that is your 'husband'. The word of God says, you are either 'married' to the LAW, or dead to the law, and MARRIED TO CHRIST. See? It is totally SPIRITUAL AND NOT CARNAL.

So............ the thing that is ruling over you...or the things you desire, you are 'married' to.
Are you married to a whore? = church = woman in the field.?
Are you a whore?......... = worshiping someone or thing OTHER THAN THE TRUE GOD.

See, you are so far off truth, you cannot even begin to understand this or wish to see through it.
I know people, personally, who will spend hours, days, nights, reading man-made up stories;books. or watching some movie....yet these same people NEVER READ OR STUDY GOD'S WORD...yet they claim to be on their way to heaven. deceived they are............they are MARRIED to the thing they DESIRE, WHICH IS NOT GOD OR HIS WORD.

you think anyone wants these kinds of true messages, which can save your soul? Not at all. but let Joyce myers, or harlot white say a thing and the world rolls on the floor in them millions of dollars to DECEIVE THEM.

yep, this jo smith again...........warring with satan.

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