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Date Posted:06/11/2024 2:04 PMCopy HTML

Law churches
If you truly wish to know the truth of God and revelation, study these short messages:
Rev 15: 5 And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened:
6 And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.
7 And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.
8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.
What is the temple of God?  Jesus Christ.  So, when was that temple opened?  In the River Jordan when John baptized Jesus..  he said, I saw heaven opened...
that temple, Jesus, was filled with smoke. = spirit, from the glory of God and from his power...when?  how?  baptism of the HOly Ghost giving Jesus power unlimited.
no man could enter this Temple until the last plague was done?  so, when did People begin to be placed into this Temple?
On the day of Pentecost.  and from that day on, there is only one Church.  Not those
seven in Asia.
No, they were LAW CHURCHES.  [this is why they would not allow female Christians to teach;  law said it.]
this is why Satan's SEAT was in those churches.  They were OT law churches.
Satan is their head..... you are in those 7 churches if you have not been baptized with the Holy Ghost .... by one Spirit are we baptized into that Holy Temple, Or Jesus Christ.
So, you are either lost, under law,  doing idols,  or you must be baptized into the body of Christ with the Holy Ghost, which shows on the Day of Pentecost,,,Acts 2.
Anyone who knowingly rejects this one and only way into the Temple of God, Jesus Christ,,,  has no sacrifice for sins and is doomed to hell.
If you can do idol holidays, which are devil worship, you are doomed.
Unless you can come to true REPENTance, YOU WILL BE REJECTED.
Repentance means GIVING UP YOUR SINS and coming into the true Temple of God, Jesus Christ.  running to your law church does not do it.  They are serving Satan.
Keeping your idol holidays is part of the kingdom of Satan His seat is in those 7 churches.
There is only
ONE Church of Jesus Christ..... and they do not do holidays.
They are HOLY.  They are pure.  They are perfected forever.
from the Day of Pentecost on till the end of the world,, that is only ONE CHURCH.
Jesus is its head.
Those 7 churches are OT LAW CHURCHES, satan is their head.
They rule over you.  They forbid eating certain meats for they are under the law.
God said if you go back to law you are doomed.
If you do those things you are under the law and will never see eternal life.
YOu better listen!  This is the last warning trumpet.
The last vial, plague, was poured out into the A I R.   air.  air.
Jesus was resurrected back into the AIR.
there is no other.  It is already done.  It did not happen till that last plague hit JESUS AT CALVARY.
He said it is done.  it is finished.  Now, the voices, thunders, lightenings, come...voices of Peter Paul, James, John./. and Jo Smith.
It all began when the earthquake brought Jesus and those saints out of that grave.
Now,  now, now, you must come into the true temple for those OT seven churches ARE DEATH.  They are law OT churches.
by:  Jo SMith,  given to me by God.
March 17, 2023

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