Back in the early 70’s, I was in with a small group of people who had home prayer meetings. We had all left the church system at this time. God had led each of us out of that. We began praying together. At first, we were kind of weak in this matter; but after a while of consistent prayer, we came to have the great power of God each and every time we met together.
We did not try to have a ‘church’ type meeting; but rather we just sat facing each other. We prayed for Jesus to lead us each time. We met almost every day. I fully believe this is how God intends for us to worship.
The Holy Ghost always led us what to do. We each waited for His leadership. It was more wonderful than I could ever describe.
One night we were at a friends home. At first we were all kind of bound down and could not pray. We were all in the same bondage. Then God moved on me and I knew what to do. I stood up [we had all been kneeling] and said out loud, Satan, I rebuke; I refuse to be bound by you. when I said this, The Spirit of the Lord moved on each of us and we began to break forth in great praise and worship. We really had the victory then.
After that we always knew how to have victorious services.
Then at another prayer meeting at this same home, we were all kneeling and praying. Soon after the prayer began, I began to see a vision. In the vision I was kneeling at the foot of the cross. Jesus was hanging on it. I was kneeling with several other women. We were all crying.
I felt this great love coming from him to me. I felt compelled to look up. As I looked up, Jesus was looking straight out. But when I was looking up at him, he looked down at me. He had the most beautiful eyes, so full of the sweetest love I have ever seen. They were so tender looking; so full of love.
It was just so awesome to feel, that I just looked back down. But then, I looked up again; again he was looking straight out. But as I looked up, he again looked down at me with that same tender look of compassion and love.
This happened several more times. It was thundering and lightening and misty dark all around us. He had black hair.
This was an open vision; it lasted quite a long while; not just a momentary thing. I looked at this vision for a good five minutes or so.
After the vision lifted, I came back to my present surroundings and told the others of the vision I had experienced. Every one of them told of a vision they had each had. Each one of us had experienced a different vision of Jesus. Each vision was similar; but different.
It was quite amazing. The glory and joy of this wonderful Spiritual visit is beyond description.